So had a bit of a thought when I woke up this morning, it led me to firing off an email to someone far clevererister than myself in the hope of a sensible answer, but just for the sake of completness I figured I’d see what you lot had to say on the matter… this is the email:
Dear *******
I hope you’re well and this entertains you, I can’t proclaim any great knowledge, I just tend to believe that the only stupid question is the one that goes unasked.
Perhaps you could help me with this?
I’ve been musing over the multiverse and awoke this morning with a thought on entropy and existence, this was it:
(please excuse the brief waffle, its just me trying to give you some idea of my thought process)
The multiple realities theory suggests that with every single decision you make splits into more realities . Each really continuing to its eventual entropy.
Ultimately were all just vibrating atoms expanding and reducing until the energy “runs out” and we end up as inert materials. (“life a beach” ha!)
But then there’s an argument that as this is happening to everyone and everything around us, that the effect of others choices and their parallel worlds has a direct effect on the entropic state of another’s existence.
But then there’s the issue of reproduction, which is not entropic (is this where I’ve got it wrong?), as this is considered to be creation?
So considering that every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction, which could suggest that for every life created that in a parallel reality, a life ends in another or this.
Perhaps where another life had ended the residual energy combines with that of another to create something new?
Could that be measured in DNA? I read about Helmut Schiessels discovery of a “second layer” intrigued me and when you look at how proteins read meta DNA code ( the following section struck me:
“The idea is that a small defect in the form of a missing or extra base pair enters the DNA section wrapped around a nucleosome. This defect can then diffuse through the wrapped DNA and once it leaves the other end of the wrapped section, the nucleosome moves by the extra or missing length that the defect carried with it.”
well perhaps that “missing or extra base pair” could be the multiverse staring straight back at us?
and perhaps provide an explanation as to why everything hasn’t yet ground to a dusty halt just yet?
Although it could suggest that in another reality we’ve just all been wiped out by a nuclear holocaust just to prove me wrong, but then it could also mean that in another reality we’ve all just become unexpectedly pregnant!
Which in turn could suggest that reproduction is the sole purpose of existence and the explanation as to why everything hasn’t yet stopped. And that would then give the answer to the question: Why are we here? the answer being “because we keep reproducing.”
A penny for your thoughts?
and that goes for you lot too,
oh and I highly recommend watching this: