Are you serious?
Sweet baby jesus and the orphans!!! Much as I despise Coldplay, I always felt sorry for that poor sod. Jesus! How anyone could put up with that, I’ve no idea. Theres a level of pretentious, uber-self-absorbed, macrobiotic new age twoddle that exist in alternative dimension inhabited by Gwyneth bloody Paltrow… and…..erm….. no… thats it…. she’s on het own I’m afraid. Have you listened to the crap she spouts? Seriously?
And she’s not even fit. It’d be like shagging a cane!
If I was him, I’d be out on the lash tonight, in a proper boozer, and be stopping off for a massive kebab, with everything on, on the way home. Sitting eating it in my pants, dribbling chill sauce and farting. Are there any radio 2 listening groupies?