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  • New Wheelset
  • matt23
    Free Member

    Currently spec in the new Trail bike and looking at a SC Blur TRc with a mix of XO transmission XTR Trails Fox 32 Reverb but having trouble speccing the wheels!
    Currently running the Easton Haven wheel set think they are awesome and may continue with them or was wondering if you guys had any reccommendations for me?
    Looking for a Ligurian build, not weight-weenie, but light enough for chucking about!

    Cheers for the help!

    Full Member

    i been using 2012 crossmax sx from mavic. rad so far 🙂

    Free Member

    What is a Ligurian build?

    Do you have a budget in mind?

    Free Member

    Stupid small phone keypad Matthew h…..was meant to say lightish build

    Well £500 rough budget if I sell the Eastons!

    Free Member

    Stupid small phone keypad Matthew h…..was meant to say lightish build

    Well £500 rough budget if I sell the Eastons!

    Free Member

    Aha, that makes a lot more sense. I googled Ligurian and still couldn’t find anything that had the right context but thought I might be missing some obscure connection.

    I think I would be looking at Stan’s rims, either a Crest or Arch depending on how tough you want them to be versus weight. Crests are very light and reasonably tough but the Arches are tougher but with a weight penalty. Probably go for DT Supercomp spokes for the best compromise between weight and strength.

    Hubs, I would go with a DT 240 rear if you get that in budget otherwise a ZTR rear as they are light and good quality. Front hubs it would probably be a Pro II Evo as they do the job really well and are very adaptable.

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