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  • National Motorcycle Show, Manchester
  • ourmaninthenorth
    Full Member

    This one:

    Any good for a non-biker (used to ride crossers in my youth, but never ridden on the road) or not worth the cost?


    OMITN (bike-curious)

    Full Member

    Do it. It’ll be good.

    Full Member

    And it will have a reasonable number of bikes to look at? I’m not really interested in bike gear (to look at or for sale).

    I remember the shows at the NEC when I was a kid where there were endless shiny bikes to sit on.

    Full Member

    I would imagine so. They wwere hyping it up on Rock radio. (106.1FM folks.)

    Full Member

    I’ll have a think. Don’t want to chell out £24 (me & Mrs North) for something average.

    And they’re bound to be hyping it on Rock “It’s still the 70s” Radio….!

    Free Member

    Go, I’m not a biker but went to the NEC one recently and had a cracking day, some lovely motorbikes and plenty of top totty to look at.

    Free Member

    I went to last years and I’ll be there again this weekend, it’s not as good as the NEC show but I need some new gear and my mates are going so I’ll have a day out.If you want a good day out at a bike show get yourself to Stafford for the classic bike show.

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