I’m hoping there are some folks that can help me understand something that has been bugging me…
Say I have a mortgage of 100k, and plan to change lenders after 3 years. For those three years, my mortgage payments will mostly be going towards paying off the interest, and at the end of it I will probably have only paid off a couple of grand from the loan.
It is my understanding that were I to stay with one lender for the full 25 years, I would only really start paying off the loan value towards the end of those 25 years, after I have paid off most of the interest.
So, how does that work if I remortgage? Do I not just end up paying loads more interest in the long run, because my remortage is for 98k, and I go right back to the bottom of the curve on the interest:loan ratio of payments?
And does this not repeat itself every three years, when I remortgage?
I must be missing something here, because you’d never get a mortgage paid off otherwise. Buggered if I can work it out though.