Home Forums Chat Forum Mobile Phone. How do I find my own no…?

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  • Mobile Phone. How do I find my own no…?
  • takisawa2
    Full Member

    Cant ring anyone as its got no credit.
    Number isnt on the SIM or anywhere in the phone.

    Are there some key strokes that will display my no ?


    Free Member

    Any clues – Make, model etc ?

    Free Member

    its on the sim, and usually accessible as part of the phones programming.
    on mine its a seperate part of the phonebook contacts list, along with default emergency numbers, top up numbers and voicemail numbers…..

    Full Member

    Sorry. Its an old Panasonic X70 with a new Asda SIM card.
    I need to top it up but the bumf that came with the SIM is at home.

    Full Member

    Panic over.
    Got it.

    Olly your a saint.

    Free Member

    i am?
    glad to be of service :s

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