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  • Mobile Broadband
  • Taz
    Full Member

    I am thinkig of signing up for this.

    I would primarily use it for work through a VPN. I am unclear as to whether connecting to work through a VPN you actually use up your download capacity or if the VPN just lets you see what is happening on your work servers (does that make sense?)

    That would have a bearing on what I signed up for.

    The helpdesk I spoke to were less than helpful :(. Any ‘experts’ out there that can shed some light?

    Any recommendations on who to use?


    Full Member

    Depends how much you plan to use. I have a 3 3gig a month deal for £15 which is OK. I actually use only a couple of hundred mb per month and so will be switching to a vodafone pay as you go deal with no time limit, once my contract is up in March.

    Free Member

    not an expert but mails, attachments and views from a CRM system / Database would be downloaded.

    Free Member

    oh and DO NOT use Orange

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