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  • Mini pork pies
  • eckinspain
    Free Member

    Food of the gods obviously, but are they suitable post-workout snack?
    Loads of protein in there surely?

    Full Member

    A packet of six – yep, fine!

    Just one then you’re some sort of deviant! 🙂

    Full Member

    No, full size pork pies are the ultimate recovery tool. But as a pack of 6 same as their mini brethren.

    With a nice wholegrain mustard, or brown sauce in an emergency.

    Full Member

    I would say it depends on how many calories your workout burned. I find them best for fuelling all-day rides, maybe popping one or two every couple of hours.

    Full Member

    Absolutely perfect post-anything snack.

    Grab the HP sauce and get stuck in


    Full Member

    Delicious, but probably not the ideal post workout snack: not much protein and a lot of fat which will slow down the absorption of the carbs. But like I said, delicious. And do you even need the ideal post workout snack?

    Free Member

    I think you want to put them in a cheese and haggis panini for maximum nutritional value, served with burre noisette dressing of course.

    Free Member

    With a nice wholegrain mustard

    I always go with English mustard on mine. Might give wholegrain a whirl to mix it up a bit.

    Free Member

    For the Cheese fiends out there and possibly binners as well, some Boursin smeared on with every wedge.

    Full Member

    I always go with English mustard on mine. Might give wholegrain a whirl to mix it up a bit.

    Nice bit of crunchy texture and not quite such an overwhelming flavour.

    Full Member

    Mini porkpies are best on a bike ride as they fit nicely in your pocket. For recovery meal a whole big porkpie seems appropriate.

    Full Member

    Called dinky pies in our house.

    No excuse required to eat them but the heaviest pastry:filling quotient if you’re eating a range of pie sizes as part of a balanced diet.

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    they are also good for preloading before a ride, even if that ride is in a few months time.  Recommended

    Free Member

    Great audax food to wake the taste buds up in the night – preferably sliced in half with a generous dollop of wholegrain mustard.

    Full Member

    Yep, perfect. If you’re some sort of Olympian then maybe a generous slice of gala pie would be more appropriate

    Full Member

    Mmmm Gala pie, I’m not a fan of hard boiled eggs but one that has been encased in pork tastes divine?

    Full Member

    “Great audax food” is the correct answer; if you’re not eating a pork pie sat on a park bench or in a bus shelter at 3am in the hissing rain, are you even alive…..

    Full Member

    Pork and pickle mini ones – live on the edge.

    Full Member

    We just had a few for lunch on top of a random Lake District peak. I always have mine with tomatoes.

    They’re lovely, but full of crap and not really any good for you….

    Full Member

    @towzer The onion marmalade ones are good too. Why take extra condiments out when the pies can come pre-loaded?

    Free Member

    Lid off, swap it for a similar thickness of Stilton. Flash it under the grill to melt the cheese (or don’t bother and just eat it). Eat the lid for an additional snackette

    Free Member

    Which ones are best? Current go to are Tesco 6 Mini Melton Mowbray Pork Pies 300G.

    Is it worth me exploring alternatives?

    Free Member

    @db as long as they’re Melton Mowbray you’ll be happy. The uncured meat (i.e. grey not pink) makes all the difference.

    Full Member

    A packet of six – yep, fine!

    Just one then you’re some sort of deviant!

    Thread should have ended right there

    Full Member

    For the Cheese fiends out there and possibly binners as well, some Boursin smeared on with every wedge

    And this is exactly why I love this place. That sounds absolutely inspired! I’m going to be trying that at the first available opportunity

    – cheers for that. I definitely fit into the cheese fiend category 😃

    Full Member

    I prefer the larger ones you can slice. But filling aside, its getting the right pastry is the hard part. Many are just too dry.

    some Boursin smeared on with every wedge.

    Nice idea, a good combo.

    Full Member

    Mini ones I find have a disappointing meat to pastry ratio so go with regular size ones.

    Free Member

    Great audax food to wake the taste buds up in the night – preferably sliced in half with a generous dollop of wholegrain mustard.

    Yep. And tough enough to be carried in jersey pockets. Follow up with an Eccles cake.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the corroboration and the wonderful cheese ideas.
    However the pork and pickle ones are nasty and I won’t be going near them.

    Full Member

    Is Boursin that muck with garlic in it? With a pork pie? Get your service revolver, man …..

    Full Member

    Mini ones I find have a disappointing meat to pastry ratio so go with regular size ones.

    ^^^this for me

    …but i love salad cream with pork pie so i probably fall under the deviant category 🙁

    Free Member

    Is Boursin that muck with garlic in it? With a pork pie? Get your service revolver, man …..

    Just for that I shall have some delivered to you with the new MBDA Cheese missile! It’s laughing cow for grown ups.

    Full Member

    However the pork and pickle ones are nasty and I won’t be going near them.

    Disappointing, I think, rather than inadequate. Any pork in a storm, and all that.

    Full Member

    However the pork and pickle ones are nasty and I won’t be going near them

    I raise you a black pudding scotch egg.

    Full Member

    Mini ones I find have a disappointing meat to pastry ratio so go with regular size ones.

    I also agree with this^^ it needs to be an adult size for the full pork pie experience.

    I raise you a black pudding scotch egg.

    Hell yeah! My last time south of the border,I was wandering around a Booths and picked up some Happy Belly scotch eggs..
    OMG,they were a thing of wonder. 😃 😊 😀

    Full Member

    I raise you a black pudding scotch egg.

    I’ll see your black pudding and raise with a chorizo or onion marmalade scotch egg! (The farmshop at work does very well out of me with their cooked on the premises scotch eggs).

    Full Member

    If you are in Staveley, the “More” bakery just by the bike shop has the best range of pies ever….

    Also delivered to the farm shop at Tebay services….

    Free Member

    I raise you a black pudding scotch egg.

    Food of the gods. From our local butcher, back home and in the air fryer for a bit. Add a splodge of brown sauce and don’t talk to me for a bit because I’m in my happy place.
    Back to the OP – they also do caramelised onion topped pork pies. Therefore includes veg and is a perfect meal in one.

    Full Member

    Good strong yellow English mustard only.

    Actually… caramelised onion chutney… mmm…

    Full Member

    One of the beauties of the pork pie is that it’s a right slag as far as condiments are concerned and will go with pretty much anything

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