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  • Logitech Boom
  • bazzer
    Free Member

    Anyone got one ? Any Good ?

    Thinking of one for my spare room/office ?

    Anyone using one with a Spotify premium account ?


    Free Member

    Yes I’ve got two (and a squeezebox touch). They were running off a NAS drive, but the spotify plugin only works on PC based servers, so I’ve moved the server onto a Acer Revo (which is running 24hrs a day). There are two spofity addins, the official one only works with the touch and radio. The other one will run booms and older devices. The interface is Ok, text based, but easy access to existing playlists. I use the iphone app to create new playlists and they are available to view on the boom a minute of so later. Its a good bit of kit, but relies on a good server, without it there is very limited functionality.

    Free Member


    My server at the moment is an Acer Easystore, which is an Atom based NAS running Windows Home server. Interesting this replaced the Acer Revo (single core version) which is now down stairs connected to my TV.

    So Ideally I would like to run the server on the easystore. WHS is based on Windows Server 2003.

    My other option is for a pair of A5’s like this


    With an Apple Airport and run Airfoil to get the audio from spotify.

    This is a slightly more expensive route but probably better quality sound.

    Would be interested in alternatives to the airport as well.


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