@cchris – we’ve looked around Fontainbleu a few interesting rocky gullies etc, all I have seen around Paris area are lycra clad xc whippets. Optimistic about @orange’s area which is only 25 mins away when traffic is running smoothly. Parisian’s do certainly have a sense of superiority wrt other French so I can see that doesn’t go that well, we went to a very funny one man show “how to be Parisian in 1 hour” where he showed a map with Paris in one colour and the rest of France in another, he said; this is Paris and this is Provence 😀
@footflaps – not really, local curry house is always excited to see me and they are happy to spice things up as most Parisians like it really bland and creamy. Best for curry is to cook at home using spices, mixes bought in the UK
@globalti I was sorry to read your story, I think it’s possibly a good example of how speaking the language too well can be a disadvantage and as a repeat ex-pat I’ve learnt having a hobby/activity is really important for meeting people