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  • it’s official, I’m a qualified H& S bore!
  • coolhandluke
    Free Member

    Got a Distinction in my NEBOSH in Construction the other day. Already I’ve found myself asking for method statements and risk assessments and inspected them! quoted the Working at height regs to a man working from a ladder instead of a nice expensive (but safe) platform before stopping him form working until he got an adequate platform and explained the mechanisms behind reporting under RIDDOR to someone.


    I’ve turned into the person I used to hate.

    Free Member

    Yes, but just think, you might be instrumental in one day saving someone’s life.

    Congratulations! Personally, I think H+S is a bloody good thing.

    Any chance you could nip round to WCA’s house? You’d have a field day month…

    Free Member

    You are now officially an educator, H&S is a serious business, just ask the kids who dont have daddys anymore..well done you..

    Full Member

    Let the cpd begin. Well done.

    Free Member

    that things got two ends y’know!

    well done mate!

    Free Member

    well done

    Just think of Darwin turning in his grave as you protect the lives of the stupid, the dumb and the just plain simple.


    Free Member

    will you be giving advice on how to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome (the condition not the Kid Koala album) from using this forum too much??!!

    Free Member

    good album

    Free Member

    CLH, so heres your first test… go to Postierich’s gas fire thread and strut your stuff..

    Full Member

    Glad there was no one of your ilk watching me today. Good thing in principle but ruined by overdoing it and general nanny behaviour.

    Free Member

    heres one.. I work in a pnuematics company, we have a Medical division and I am the QE for this work.
    I was doing something and received a tiny papercut to the tip of my finger – 3mm long is exagerating, because I handle bits that are attached to ventilators etc I immediately went to first aid for a plaster cos we cannot have blood mixing with the product — can we –… Jesus H Crikey.. I had to fill in a form with my details address, how I received the cut… what can be done to avoid a repeat of the injury … etc then I had to sign the form and some other document.. this then went to my manager … who had to go through the form with me ….. then it went to H&S who interviewed me and I had to complete the bottom of another form and sign it … Its then got added to the injurys report for that month,,,, I now have a supply of my own plasters … bureaucratic nonsense .. it was not life threatening … I could well understand it if was.

    Free Member

    Just wait till you go out on the bike, youll experience people with no training, balanceing on two wheels supported by a metal frame,with no safety test certificate clamped by the feet onto pedals, pedaling at high sppeed with out wearing safety glases, swerving in and out of trees, and large rocks, without the relevant hard hat , hi-viz tabbard, and safety boots.

    Im sure youl get a good welcome.

    Free Member

    Them roadies even play with trucks ..

    Free Member

    Cool hand – why did you stop him from working from a ladder. work at height regs do not preclude the use of ladders, but it advises following a hierarchy of control measures, Identify why you have come to the conclusion that the work equipment you are using is suitable.
    We use the hierarchy system and allow use of ladders and steps for short duration works, or where space constraints don’t allow use of platforms.
    Don’t go quoting regulations too often, lads and lasses on the work front need a bit of an explanation why, not a list of regulation, legislation etc.

    Who are you working for, and in what field – refurb, housbuilding, maintenance??

    Full Member

    As I stood on the forks of the forklift, with the mast at full extension, cleaning windows of the upstairs offices. I wondered to myself exactly what a H + A person would say at that moment. Once they had stopped screaming and swearing. Did wonder if my hip bone would shatter my pelvis if i fell feet first, and if i would ever be able to ride a bike again. But i didnt, so no worries.

    I would like to retrain as a H and S operative . Is it tricky , and do you need formal qualifications ? As unfortunatly I don’t have any.

    Free Member

    good on you construction is responsible for 50 % of all deaths at work iirc .. some people hate it but hey they are the people who need it the most
    H & S Protecting the stupid from themselves for years
    Well done

    Free Member

    Tick what gixer.john said.

    Don’t go down the route of Regs quotations or become a “Safety Policeman”. You’ll find it hard to get the respect or backing of the guys if you do.

    Futureboy (QHSE Advisor)

    Free Member

    gixer.jon, his ladder was totally unsuitable as it was on the trailer edge leant up against the chimney of a mobile flare stack (for methane burning from landfill)

    It was at about 85 degrees and he was hanging onto a skinny bit of metal tack welded to the chimney for balance.

    When I explained why I didn’t want him to carry on working etc… he was almost relieved.

    When I said quoted, it was more like named. I’m not that familiar.

    I work for a waste management company and am in charge of the landfill gas pipework installations team for gas extraction for power generation purposes. We’re sick of paying good money for CDM coordinators who know absolutely nowt about what we’re trying to achieve so i did the NEBOSH to put myself in the position of the CDM coordinator for some projects plus a few good bow strings to boot.

    Free Member

    Well, if our new uni H&S officer doesn’t change his tune soon, he may well find he needs to do a risk assessment for going anywhere me. He stopped us using a microwave for 4 weeks because it wasn’t pressure tested (!) and we weren’t trained(!!!!)

    Free Member

    H and S…
    a good example when everyone just runs!

    or this…

    or when H and S signage goes mad…


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