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  • Is there such a gadget
  • simonm
    Free Member

    I want a gadget that I can mount on the wall in my Kitchen, wherby I can TXT to the device reminders, notes, to do lists etc.

    Does this exist ? Something a bit larger than just sellotaping a PAYG phone to the cupboard.. 7″ screen or abouts..


    Free Member

    like this ?

    O2 Joggler[/url]

    I liked the look of it but I’m with Vodafone.

    Free Member

    I want a gadget that I can mount on the wall in my Kitchen, wherby I can TXT to the device reminders, notes, to do lists etc.

    It’s been done mate ………..

    They call it a wife or girlfriend

    Free Member

    Would you not just set these on your mobile or laptop with an alarm if it is very important. Although I see a use for your exact requirements.

    Full Member

    I just use the post it note application/widget on my android htc

    Free Member

    not quite as you describe – but I have the “things” application on my computer and iphone

    does a good job of managing my to do list – but not super cheap

    Think there is a cheaper/ free one called “dont forget the milk”

    Free Member

    Yep the Joggler is what immediately sprung to my mind too.

    Full Member

    I was going to suggest the Joggler also.

    FWIW, we tackled this problem using Google calendar. I’ve got a shared calendar synced to my phone and to the OH’s, along with my personal / work Outlook calendar syncing to my phone and hers to hers. It was a bugger to set up (too many different platforms) but now works very well. We can both see at a glance whether we’re free on $day, and make plans accordingly without protracted buggering about.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I see what you mean and that’d be pretty cool, something that syncs with google tasks or something and just displays on your wall. That’d be rad if you integrated calendars (as Cougar mentions) etc..

    Free Member

    Not really sure you can text reminders to blackboards.

    But you could buy a monkey, give it a phone and leave him in your kitchen then every time he gets a text he could nip over to the blackboard and write stuff on it.

    You could also text him to know you are on your way home from work and he could pop the kettle on.

    Full Member

    I was just idly wondering if I could get a Joggler to display my Google calendar; that’d be a killer app for me, and render it pointless if I can’t.


    Short and sweet, then.

    Free Member

    I have a joggler and it comes with google calendar as standard. The calendar is also shared with my iPhone and my girlfriends htc. When you add an entry on either of the phones or the joggler it syncs across all three. Hope that helps

    Free Member

    You can get PCs built into a touchscreen monitor – they are quite big, but you could have an app to do what you suggest. Would be cool – don’t think anyone makes one tho.

    Full Member

    I have a joggler and it comes with google calendar as standard.

    Oh? Interesting. Cool, ta.

    Full Member

    What about those cheap iPad clones that run Android. Some reviews are good, some average. But that’s comparing it to an iPad. As a Joggler competitor they’ve surely got to be better.

    A few of them are running Android 2.1 now too. Most of them are between £100 and £150.

    Although – unless they have 3G, or you can do something other than just text (email/calendar would do), then it might not sync to your phone.

    I’ve never looked into the Archos tablets, but they might do what you’re after too.

    Free Member

    some great tips… Thanks.. tried the wife but she’s too costly to keep maintaned and running well.

    Free Member

    What about those cheap iPad clones that run Android.

    The Galaxy thing? It’s not cheap!

    Free Member

    i use voice notes via evernote – goes from phone to mac seamlessly
    sometimes just a photo via evernote will be a reminder, and can also go mac to phone

    so,…….. i suggest you have a look at ‘evernote’

    Free Member

    I use One Note but I dunno if it supports the sending of things TO it.

    Free Member

    They call it a wife or girlfriend

    But you could buy a monkey, give it a phone and leave him in your kitchen then every time he gets a text he could nip over to the blackboard and write stuff on it.

    probably easier/ cheaper to marry the monkey.

    Free Member

    I’m just building up a kitchen computer using an old P4 3Gig and a cheap 12″ touchscreen. I’m working my way around the software required (W7 does most of the stuff I need) but I plan to use some google gadgets on the desktop to link to my google calendar and show upcoming events, which can be set from my phone via web. I’m also planning to have a recipe database and a bar code scanner to scan in stuff we use and want back on the shopping list for next time.

    That 02 joggler looks pretty good.

    Free Member

    I’ve lost the link bug earlier I found a site in New zealand where the guy had done the same, think he was giving the software away for free with the bar code scanning for food etc

    Full Member

    The Galaxy thing? It’s not cheap!

    Nope, loads of sub £100 Android tablets on t’Ebay.

    Quite tempted.

    Free Member

    I’ve started using the ‘Days Until’ widget on my Google homepage for the usual stuff like insurance, MOT, Birthdays. etc. You can see at a glance what’s coming up next and it will automatically put the task to the bottom of the list when it reaches the due date.

    It doesn’t sync with anything but I use the PC nearly everyday so I know what’s coming up.

    Free Member

    Whiteboard & IP Webcam!? For the pure Ghetto 21st century tech. 😆

    Free Member

    looks like Joggler isnt available

    Free Member

    Chumby One? You can add google calender to it.

    Free Member

    simonm – you talking about this chap?


    I found his links when I was looking for software for mine – he seems to have basically just created a web page to launch stuff, which is simple enough but not very pretty. Do you mean another one – I’d love to see some other options. I went through about 5 Linux distros trying to sort out niggles and driver problems before I fell back on W7 but W7 gives me so few software options I’m annoyed to have to use it.

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