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  • iPhone theft and loss insurance
  • tails
    Free Member


    Has anyone used apples insurance and if so is it hassle free if the worst happens? I need to get a new phone and they are very expensive compared to my last iphone. I’ve seen enough videos of them being snatched from people’s hands


    Free Member

    Stuff like that may be covered on your house insurance (or as an optional extra), or sometimes with bank accounts. Worth checking what you’re already covered for before paying extra.

    Full Member

    Put a case on it with a lanyard attachment, and put a lanyard on it long enough to hold the phone out, but not long enough to hit the floor if you drop it. I’ve made one out of Dyneema, which has a breaking strain of around 450lb, it’s used on dinghies.

    Or use a lanyard with a clip like those with footy club logos. Not losing it in the first place is the best option. The case is an Otterbox Defender.

    Free Member

    Thanks both, I’ll ask my bank and I had thought about a strap. Shame they cost so much but I suppose it is a computer in your pocket.

    Free Member

    Also OP, think about where you get your phone out – opportunistic thefts like the one you describe usually happen because the owner of the phone hasn’t really thought about their surroundings. If I get my phone out in a busy place, I usually do it somewhere more out of sight and never just wander down the street waving it around in front of my face talking into it as seems to be the fashion these days.

    Full Member

    Also theres no need at all to have the latest and greatest phone…a £3oo-400 pixel brand new is just as good as good as anything, so if you do break it, it’s more of a big anoyance rather than a financial heartbreak.

    I think if you look in the PSA thread someone mentioned a pixel 8a for under £400… job done.

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