Posted this previously on the UK Fat Bikes Forum, but thought it might be of interest to a few on here. Built this having found a very cheap frame in the Jan. sales at Billys.
2012 Mukluk with Carver carbon forks, Hope hubs built on Robbson rims with Knard tyres, trying it at the moment with 1×10 and One Up adaptor, but have the bits to fit a granny ring if needed. Cranks are £18 ebay bargain Raceface Diabolous with black anodizing stripped off using Oven Pride. Wheels were built by Andy of this parish and a grand job he did to, brings a smile to my face everytime I ride it (or just look at it!)
I know that there are some that knock fat bikes as a novelty, but I live in North Norfolk, there is little decent MTBing, but what we do have is endless beaches.