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  • iDiet disciples and defaulters…
  • Jamie
    Free Member

    Currently trialling an enhanced version for the final stubborn few pounds

    Amputation? 😉

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I do struggle sometimes because I LOVE cakes and things. I do feel deprived without them.

    I can manage if I am generally happy and in a good mood. If I get depressed then I struggle. Still, I don’t mind this too much – just means I get to where I am going a little more slowly.

    I’m having to juggle carbs with hard training though.. the prescribed simple carbs don’t seem to be enough somehow.

    Free Member

    Every action has a consequence. With food as with anything, when you learn what the consequence is, you just decide if it’s what you want. And act accordingly. Or am I missing something?

    Only that humans are not computers, how was I to know a tray of cream cakes would be brought to the office or that a customer would send wine and chocolates! I must get back on it though, really I must.

    Free Member

    I love cakes too. They’re designed to make us love them.

    Free Member

    I am seeing if I can beat the weight by becoming extremely powerful instead.

    Free Member

    I’ve been eating a whole cake / week the last 3 weeks. Got to get the post exercise carbs in somehow.

    Free Member

    I am seeing if I can beat the weight by becoming extremely powerful instead.

    What’s wrong with being moderately powerful?

    Free Member

    It’s less powerful than extremely powerful.

    Free Member

    “Only that humans are not computers”

    Meaning we can choose what our response to cake is….

    Free Member

    It’s less powerful than extremely powerful.


    Free Member

    I don’t think I can convince myself I don’t like cake.

    I can convince myself it’s not in my best interests though. Probably.

    Free Member

    Learning that I can resist things in the long term has been just as big a part of getting into this as the original guidelines were.

    Now I know I can leave cake alone and dont need to eat biscuits just because they are in front of me.

    My only problem now is that I haven’t really trained since November in order to finish off some stuff in the house over winter. Now I am motivated but have a chest infection and it is -15 outside.

    Plan to hit it hard after skiing in 2 weeks…

    Free Member

    You seem to have convinced yourself that you want to be faster, leaner and fitter.

    So, then comes the necessary steps to take and the role of cake within….. 😉

    Free Member

    Quite right.

    I am intrigued though by how easy some people have found it to ride and stick to the diet fully. I seem to actually NEED some cake/bread/fast carbs otherwise I am reduced to tootling around.

    I reckon I am finding a balance though slowly but surely.

    Free Member

    If you train you’ll need fast carbs during and after, and slow carbs the rest of the time.

    Free Member

    Seem to need more than was suggested in the original plan though. Can’t tell if this is me being weak or not.

    Free Member

    the orignial plan was for hefty biffers, not slimmer types training hard.

    Free Member

    Dave, whats your enhanced plan that you’re currently trialling? Does it involve eating a few bits of chicken every couple of hours? I may give it a go in a month or so to get me in shape for the sportive season (unless its classified info)

    Free Member

    I am genuinely amazed by how hard it appears to be for some of you. I’d say the first few days I had a few (sugar based) cravings but since then it really has been easy to say no. I find the food tasty, the cooking enjoyable and the weightless is pretty good too!

    In fact I am actually now at the stage where I do not enjoy the cheat days.


    Free Member

    How far have you adapted it to your own design?

    I really wanted to do it properlu, but realistically I’ve only cut back on pasta, spuds and rice.

    I did do it properly for three or four months but have reduced it to pretty much this. Don’t really miss any of those things that much, or bread, although I will buckle occasionally and have a couple of slices of hot buttered toast for breakfast.

    Have cut out milk for the most part, take all tea and coffee black now.

    Still got a terrible weakness for beer, chocolate and biscuits, though. Not sure how I rationalise it to myself that it’s OK to have these but refuse a relatively healthy thing like a potato.

    But still, the weight’s staying off and has stabilised at just under 13st, a stone down from what it was before before I started the diet – a mere half stone from what the BMI index tables tell me is my ideal weight.

    Free Member

    the orignial plan was for hefty biffers, not slimmer types training hard.

    Free Member

    That ^^ doesn’t mean bin the plan, it just means simple carbs during and after hard training and no need for major binge days.

    Free Member

    I’m not following to the letter, more adopted it to suit me and I’m felling better and loosing weight at the same time.

    Tonight though I’ve had Pesto pasta and shared a garlic bread with Mrs MM and I now fell horrible and bloated. Compare that to last night where we had lovely stir fried vegetable it doesn’t compare. 😐 We have both agreed that it is the last time we have that. Cooking to your guidelines is so much nicer.

    Free Member

    I am torn over the binge days, I think I could drop them, but it is kind of nice to relax and eat some junk with the normal people. Unfortunately I generally go over the top and end up feeling bloated and crap.

    I find a meal off quite nice, then we can make a nice desert or something instead of eating 1kg of peanut M&Ms

    Free Member

    No need for binge days eh? Hmm.

    If you really like cake you can do what I do and go out training so that you can have a cake afterwards 🙂 Good incentive to train 🙂

    Free Member

    when I came back from Australia in December and weighed myself I was 10stone. I’d put a stone in weight on because very unlike me I’d been sitting around not doing much eating in restaurants and indulging in cake. Within two weeks of returning to my usual lifestyle I was back to 9stone. I don’t iDiet, I eat rice and pasta etc and drink plenty of beer but I don’t eat cake. There must be something in the cake that makes people fat 😉


    Full Member

    when I came back from Australia in December and weighed myself I was 10stone. I’d put a stone in weight on because very unlike me I’d been sitting around not doing much eating in restaurants and indulging in cake. Within two weeks of returning to my usual lifestyle I was back to 9stone. I don’t iDiet, I eat rice and pasta etc and drink plenty of beer but I don’t eat cake. There must be something in the cake that makes people fat


    You’re my hero

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