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  • I think my neighbour is growing weed
  • spokeydokey
    Free Member

    Everytime I go down into the cellar you can smell a definate skunk smell.

    Not in a someone-close-is-having-a-puff type smell either.

    Should I:

    a) grass him up
    b) tunnel under and pinch the stash
    c) pop round and see if knows of any good cookie reciepes

    Free Member

    You probably wanna make sure he’s not stealing your electricity to run the lights 🙂

    Free Member

    d) blackmail

    Full Member

    Blackmail always works well in these circumstances!

    Free Member

    A free ounce a week and you will keep shut.

    Free Member

    Negotiate a neighbourly discount?

    Free Member

    Confirm first by saying you’re off to the shops, and would he like anything. Requests for Miracle-Grow and Monster Munch….

    Free Member

    When we moved into the (rented ) house we currently live in on having a look in the loft (its where I store my spare bikes) I discovered loads of empty industrial length tin foil boxes, the fact it was fully boarded and that whoever had used the loft before had installed a fairly comprehensive system of extension leads.

    Free Member

    Is it someone growing a bit for their own personal or a house turned into a factory? If the former then I might just go and have a word, the latter is IMO rather more serious criminality involved.

    Free Member

    I think there are worse things in life to worry about man…. At least you won’t have to go far for a 1/4. If the old bill come round deny all. I don’t have a problem with people smoking a bit of weed it seems to have less aggressive effects than say alcohol and I think it is bunkum that it leasd to “harder stuff”. If he’s a good neighbour leave him to it IMO.

    Free Member

    get in touch with your union rep

    Full Member

    Be carefull mate, I’ve been to several serious fires caused by cannabis factorys, usual practice is heavily overloaded sockets,power taken straight from main suppy (bypassing the circuit breakers), a total disregard for building structural integrity, and if it goes tit’s up you can be gauranteed the gardener (Guy in charge of keeping it nice and healthy) won’t hang around to call the fire service.

    Thats bigger scale than i think you suspect, however the risks are still there.

    Your call, but i would be deeply unhappy if it was going on near me.

    Free Member

    drill holes.

    Free Member

    TJ gives best advice I agree … if personal get to know him if industrial avoid as he will know some unsavoury individuals and if they know you know and someone grasses you will be prime suspect.

    Free Member

    0800 555 111 – Crimestoppers. and if there is a positive outcome you may get a reward. Guaranteed anonymous.

    Free Member

    Some sound advice here

    And I also can confirm the fire thing
    My brothers flat caught fire after his neighbours electrics became more industrial than domestic and went up in smoke

    On the other hand what sort of people are they?

    If theyre a couple in their 50s and been there ages dont worry

    If they are 2 blokes under 40 and look like ‘crims’ its trickier

    Dont dismiss the fire hazard

    Bad news – good luck with whatever you do

    Full Member

    I had a tenant set up a skunk farm in a house I let. Bypassed the electric meter, ran dodgy cabling with twisted together joints to a parallel electric supply, running around 30 600W sodium lights, windows blanked out with pond liner and rooms foil lined for reflection. Holes in all the ceilings and fans sucking all the heat and fumes up through the roof. Rooms stacked high with spent compost and waterbutts and pipes everywhere. Live wires all over the place and stacks of fertiliser and other combustibles. Part of the clearup:

    Neighbours claim not to have had a clue, but the place was a big fire waiting to happen. If he’s nicking electric and the police are involved, they’ll call in an engineer to disconnect and make safe, cutting the whole house off. It’s then £640 to reconnect a new meter, at least in the Yorkshire area, might differ where you are. If it’s done for profit, there’s a very strong likelihood of foreign gang involvement, my lot were Chinese, and scarpered in fear of their lives after being rumbled by another gang, so I wouldn’t bother with the quiet word approach, 999 while you’re away from your own house for the day would be a safer option.

    Free Member

    where do you live. i know plenty of people that would love to take care of your ‘problem’

    Free Member

    a whiff of weed and it must be the chinese mafia
    i`m glad none of you lot live near me

    Full Member

    i’d chuck him a few electric cable extension from my house and we partners!

    Free Member

    Cheezuz, live and let live, ffs!

    Unless their activities are affecting your life, or causing grief, just **** ignore it!

    The fact that you can smell it probably means it’s just an ‘amateur’ operation. Proper Skunk farms are hermetically sealed, to avoid dog detection.

    Maybe pop round to have a quiet word about the smell. That’s all you have to do. There’s people noncing kids, and doing all sorts of nastiness, that’s far worse than growing a bit of weed. Let the police concentrate on catching the real scum.

    The amount of propaganda against weed is totally disproportionate, when you consider that it’s Crack and Smack that’s doing the real damage. And have you any idea how much Coke gets shifted, by seemingly respectable city bods? Most lucrative drugs market there is!

    And it’s all those Coked-up traders, that have fecked the economy, you know…

    Free Member

    if only the stoners were in charge the country wouldn’t be in this mess..

    Full Member

    I used to have a small but fully PCL controlled 1200w setup/8plants/200w clone room/mother room and i payed for all my leccy usage, not all growers are the scum that the media (and some on here!) make us out to be, 50% of my cured crop used to get given to the MMC (medical marijuana co-operative) and was dished out free of charge to sufferers of MS/Glaucoma/Spinal Disability and those living with or recovering from Cancer, i had 28 patients who had been reliant on my lovingly grown plants with full approval from their GP’s/Health Professionals and i regularly received thank-you letters detailing how much of an improvement my own developed strains made to their everyday lives, most popular was a Purple Power which was of indica background but crossed with a very stable F2 sativa hybrid, quite high in CBD content for those suffering from pain but with a nice active heady THC buzz from the introduced sativa strain – i figured this would provide some sort of positive help in court should i get a knock at the door.

    It was a fascinating hobby and i regret selling all my equipment a few years ago due to the hysteria that the media dragged up every few months but eventually all good things have to come to an end and i decided for the sake of my sanity to stop growing, nowadays the quality has dropped due to the easy money that can be made from growing certain strains of weed purely for profit at the expense of quality – example being the numerous chinese led multiroom grows that are being caught all the time, disgusting, mass produced weed is not worth smoking as you might as well go outside and smack your head against the wall as it has the same ultimate effect. Absolutely anyone can grow weed badly but it takes true skill and dedication/love/understanding of the plants life cycle and needs to get the most out what is basically a weed that will grow anywhere.

    Anyway…if you know the guy enough to say “hello” to then have a quiet word, if you can smell it then others will be able to as well and i’m sure he’ll appreciate a quiet word rather than a 6am knock on the door ;o).

    Free Member

    i think we need to keep this topic serious & discuss the real important issue here .


    Free Member

    if only the stoners were in charge the country wouldn’t be in this mess..

    too bloody rightl I’d have it sorted in no time…:)

    Full Member

    “Every time I go down in to the cellar,I can smell a definite skunk smell”

    Call the R.S.P.C.A.?

    (Takes coat off hook)

    Free Member

    I used to grow it in my bedroom, three plants, parents not bovvered…..but i would say check it out as well you can, it can turn out to be very nasty sometimes.

    Free Member

    I had a lovely Pot plant in me living room, a while ago. Got to about 6′. Just ornamental, grown from seed. A couple of Babylonians popped round, as they were talking to all the neighbours about kids being ASBO and aggressive on the estate.

    They were there for about 15 mins. I had forgotten all about the thing, and was just about to show them out, and the woman turned to me and said ‘by the way, nice plant’. 😯

    Free Member

    Look what happened to Zammo.

    Just say no kids, drink milk at the youth club. Drugs is for fools

    Free Member

    There was a house fire up the road from me a few years ago. That was growing stuff in the attic with the powerful lights thing. More recently (less than a year ago) there was a large detached rented house with the Vietnamese “gardner” and holes in the ceilings etc. Very posh area too. A bit different from the plants in the kitchen type of set up.

    Full Member

    I think RudeBoy has it right – still I’d find any excuse to get round there “just came to borrow a cup of sugar………..oh and a bag of weed” 😀

    Full Member

    Just let nature take it’s course. All dealers get busted eventually and if he is growing it comercially, you really don’t want to get involved.. If it’s just a bit of percy, leave him and his escalating psychosis to it.

    Full Member

    999 while you’re away from your own house for the day would be a safer option.

    DO NOT CALL 999 – He’s taken the time to ask about it on a forum, so it’s not an emergency is it?

    Go visit the local police, or call them, or call CrimeStoppers.
    Leave the emergency number for, y’know, emergencies.

    Free Member

    If they are new neighbours and aren’t in the house much, then I would call crimestoppers, as live and let live doesn’t really help you much whilst watching your house burn down. If it’s hobby growers only growing a small amount, I would more than likely point put the strange smell to them so they can be more careful.

    As for Cannabis is harmless arguement, well sorry thats BS, and I personally know 4 people whose lives would have been much better if they had never touched it, 1 dead, 1 a smackhead and 2 who are in and out of mental institutes on a regular basis. Its a drug and should be treated as such, it does have side effects, and it isn’t *harmless* just like booze etc.

    I also have several friends who work as physiologists for the prison service, and they are so anti cannabis its untrue, as they have to deal with the effects this harmless drug has on some people.

    Full Member

    Few years back we were asked to look after a neighbour’s house while they were away. There was a lady (friend of my mum’s) and her stoner son. My sister and me notcied the bathroom light was on one night so went round to find the bathroom door locked from the inside. Easily picked, we found two ceiling high plants standing in the bath.

    We took a wee courtesy charge for looking after the house of course and locked the door behind us…

    Free Member

    Blimey, richc; do you actually live in the real world, or in some sort of ‘Police, Camera, Action!’ sort of parallel universe?? ‘Watching your house burn down’-FFS!!! Far more chance of someone leaving a chip-pan on or something! What next, ban all cookers?

    Get real…

    I know loads of people who smoke cannabis. Lawyers, Doctors, Teachers, Engineers, Artists, Musicians, etc etc. Many have kids, and are very good parents. Cannabis can have a negative effect, but alcohol is far more damaging, and freely available. But most people who drink don’t have serious issues.

    Unless the neighbour’s activities are causing a problem (dodgy looking types always hanging around, loud noise, stuff being nicked, neighbours threatened etc), then there’s no need to involve the Babylonians.

    Watch out, watch out, there’s a Daily Mail reading nosy bastard about… 🙄

    Free Member

    “and it isn’t *harmless* just like booze etc.”

    Booze harmless, what planet do you live on?

    I know considerably more than 4 people whose lives have been ruined by Booze….

    Full Member

    e carefull mate, I’ve been to several serious fires caused by cannabis factorys, usual practice is heavily overloaded sockets,power taken straight from main suppy (bypassing the circuit breakers), a total disregard for building structural integrity, and if it goes tit’s up you can be gauranteed the gardener (Guy in charge of keeping it nice and healthy) won’t hang around to call the fire service.

    Thats bigger scale than i think you suspect, however the risks are still there.

    Your call, but i would be deeply unhappy if it was going on near me.

    Sounds like a good reason to decriminalise so it can be regulated ;] Hang on then they’ll tax it ….

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Your neighbour is commiting a crime if they are growing or using an illegal substance – it may be nichetastic to say ‘it’s only a bit of weed man, let him be’ but imgaine the stw-Grauniadista response if you were to say ‘she was only a few months under guv, I didn’t know honest’

    report him and claim your community action reward, job’s a goodun – laws are laws and crime is crime…….

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