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  • How to stop a fox crapping in my garden?
  • TimP
    Free Member

    I know there are a load of threads on here about stopping cats, but I have a fox issue. Not Sam or any other jubilee young lady, but a big ginger four legged animal. Be seems to live in next doors garden which is massively overgrown as we used to see him sunbathing in there but it is now so overgrown he has started to come into our garden. He has a tendency to crap in the middle of the grass, and it stinks! I can’t get to the fence to repair it to stop it coming in as it is behind our hedge but I want to discourage him from even thinking about popping over for a poop. People the other side have just got a dog so I think that is another reason he is visiting more regularly. Not keen on getting a cat or dog to scare it either.

    Anyone had any success in getting rid?

    Free Member

    Rottweilers, the only way to be sure.

    Get over your dog issues, either that or a mountain Lion

    Free Member

    This is one way

    but apparently it’s mot allowed any more

    Free Member

    We have a Fox that comes through our garden. It’s dumps next door though so we like it.

    Free Member

    What about knocking your house down and restoring the land to a foxes natural woodland habitat? Or just deal with the poop?

    Full Member


    Free Member

    Install a badger.

    ..im not known for my helpful advice.

    Free Member

    Borrow your neighbour’s dog – it’ll cheerfully roll in the poop and carry it away on its coat. \o/

    Free Member

    Free Member

    ( Oh and it would micturate on Vinny’s still warm corpse )

    Free Member

    I live <20m from arable land and have had a similar problem with foxes (and moggies) pooping on my front lawn and border.
    I found repellant to help a little but on its own it was ineffective. The best combination I’ve found is keeping your lawn reasonably short, wee and cat repellant.

    I’ve gone from it being quite a problem with multiple poops almost daily to it not being a problem at all.

    I pee in a bottle and pour it in the same spots every couple of days to prevent awkward questions or trouser snake moments with the neighbours.

    Free Member

    I pee in a bottle…

    You, Sir, are going to be the reason for the most amusing argument I’ve had with my wife since I explained it wasn’t necessary to flush number 1s.


    Full Member

    I pay to see a wolverine chew on Mr Jones.

    Free Member

    Glad I could be of assistance BD 😉

    Free Member

    Second the weeing idea. I keep chickens and pour urine from a bottle on the grass and around the perimeter. It really repels them.

    You might also want to try and squirt some at the gap in the fence through the bush… might just stop it coming over full stop.

    Also… on a slightly amusing note I discovered through doing this I have an abnormally large bladder, I can easily fill a wine bottle and keep going 🙂

    Free Member

    You might also want to try and squirt some at the gap in the fence through the bush


    Free Member

    sod the hedge, fix the bloody hole in the fence slacker. They arent known for their jumping skills.

    Free Member

    I have started peeing in a bottle and pouring over where I think it comes in, but I also have to pour some in the compost. There just isnt enough to go round!
    The grass is kept pretty short, but I guess I need to be more regular in my trimming. Any particular cat repellant that seemed to work in tandem with trimming and peeing,Capt Slow?

    Full Member

    If you’ve not enough wee, open a campsite in the garden and encourage guests to wee on the lawn. That’ll confuse the bugger.

    Free Member

    I’m using Itax Scent Off at the moment. Seems ok.

    If you need more pee, drink more. A night on the beer should also do it, just watch your aim 😉

    Free Member

    Moving house might do the trick?

    Full Member

    yeah move to a terraced house without a garden, that’ll show him.

    Free Member

    Track it back to its nest or whatever it is they live in and then dump on the doorstep – there’s a lesson that won’t be forgotten.

    Ironic if it lived in your own garden of course…

    Free Member

    Only moved out of a terraced house with a tiny garden recently. Guess this the price to pay for living in suburbia…

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    Free Member

    Had this problem, douse chilli pepper liberally round the garden for a week or so, has to be dry weather, fox never returned.

    Free Member

    I dont fancy a bottle of chilled 76 !!!

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    ti_pin_man – Member
    sod the hedge, fix the bloody hole in the fence slacker. They arent known for their jumping skills.

    I’d disagree. Watched one actually jump up on the roof of the house a few weeks back, granted the back of our cottage slopes down to about 7 feet, but the big bugger wandered about n the roof for quite a wee while. I’m for trying the pissing in a bottle routine (not on the roof though!)

    Free Member

    Claymore mine with trip wires combined with the pee solution.
    Mind you, use care in going out at night to distribute the pee.

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