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  • Hedgehogs Why
  • trout
    Free Member

    Do Tin box drivers run them over

    Had one in one in our garden looked like a young un I would have guessed its mum had not returned so gave it a bit of steak chopped up which it wolfed down and had a drink of milk .

    it seemed a bit more steady on its feet so left it to its own devices .

    an hour later found it squashed on the road . and our road is a dead end so no fast traffic .

    Bastards ( not the hedgehog ) it is not like they dash out in front of you ffs

    you can stop and let the thing get across the road

    Sorry not a good rant but I am a tad upset.

    Free Member

    Love hedgepigs. Shame so many die. But they can run like **** lightning when they want. And they're dark coloured and not obvious, people dont look out for small dark objects on the floor while driving.

    Shame though :(

    Free Member

    the more dead hedgehogs the bigger the hedgehog population.

    Free Member

    Ah, poor fella. Such great animals too with all their little spikes. I'm loving the image of him wolfing down the steak and milk. At least he had a decent meal before he went.

    Free Member


    To be fair though, sometimes people just don't see them, specially in the dark – they are rather small.

    But yeah, some people are just **** who think it's "funny" to kill an animal. I feel your sadness :|

    btw, the only milk you should give hedgehogs is hedgehog milk – cow's milk can give them severe diarrhoea.

    Full Member

    i saw a mole crossing the road while out on a road ride at the weekend, little fat bugger was struggling to move it's belly was too big, still it made it across the road ok :)

    Free Member

    probably crossing the road to see his flatmate.
    shouldnt of given him milk, bad for their them apperantly.
    hedgehog facts

    About 3 weeks ago there was a right load of squeeling from our front lawn about 3 in the morning. armed with a troutlight in hand I had to go and have a look… there they were, 2 hedgehogs sh4gging on the front lawn, he was giving her a right seeing to, but they didnt look too impressed having a light shone on them and ran off into the bushes.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately their survival strategy for dealing with threatening things is to roll up into a spiky ball. Sadly that's not too compatible with being in the middle of a road….

    Free Member

    Why can't they just share the Hedge?

    Anyway, I stopped traffic once to help one cross a road. I'm sure I was real popular. Tough titty tin boxers!

    Free Member

    I remember swerving around one so that it passed between my wheels. I looked in my rear view mirror to check that it was ok just in time to see the car following squish the poor blighter.
    I do like hedgehogs but wouldn't be able to explain why other than they eat slugs.
    Used to have them come into the back garden and eat the cat food when I was young.

    Free Member

    Hedgehogs are lovely (but flea ridden) critters, used to see loads at a family friends house as a kid.

    A real shame to see them squished (shame to see any animals come to a premature end really) I see loads of road kill on my daily commute, mostly rabbits, foxes & pheasants, not a pleasant sight at all.

    At least he had a good last meal Trout

    Free Member

    I saw two of them walking down the road on my way home from work the Friday before last. I carefully drove past the pair of them, and then parked up on the road where it was safe to do so.

    Fortunately I had my (arrived that morning, and taken to work to play with/ charge) brand new Hope Vision 2 from the group-buy on me, which I used to go rescuing with! Walked back up the road to where they were, and they'd both disappeared- turns out they didn't need my help after all! I found one of them in the field next to the road, he was a cute little fella, and didn't even curl-up when I approached him (I couldn't resist getting a picture).

    Free Member

    I thought you weren't meant to 'give way' to anything that small – could cause an accident (obviously not at 1am in the morning on an empty road)…

    Free Member

    what tails said.
    the fact that we see fewer dead hodgepigs on the roads is not a good sign; their numbers are in pretty serious decline according to the Peoples Trust for Endangered Species…
    still, pretty happy that we saw 2 nice fat healthy looking hogs over by sale water park on a night ride earlier this evening, but sad that they're the only ones i've seen all year (previous years we'd see a couple each night in our garden)…

    good work feeding him trout.

    Free Member

    I've seen more hedgehogs near me this year than I think I ever have before! Maybe their population has just moved!? :lol:

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    Free Member

    It allways pisses me off when I see the little blighters squashed
    and would jump on the brakes everytime to avoid one dont give a toss about the guy behind over a critter he should be paying attention .

    we have had them living under the decking for years now love to hear them crunching the slugs didnt know slugs crunched but they do when a hog is eating one .

    The dog is not keen as they dont play fair with the rolling up thing
    and spiky

    Full Member

    Well, to counter all this carnage, I was driving through Rotherham the other day and at the traffic lights there was a hedgehog crossing on the pelican crossing. I think it was coincidence that he was crossing on the green man, but you never know – maybe he pressed the button with a stick.

    He made it over four lanes of traffic safely by the way.


    Full Member

    don't give hedgehogs milk – it gives them the runs.. nor bread as they struggle to digest it

    feed them on wet cat food or similar (they will get there water from the food if you wnat to feed them – but better in insects and beetles (eptile places)

    you could build or get a hog home for it to live in

    Free Member

    We have a family that visit us every night, Mrs feeds them a bit of cat food meat, not sure if this is the best thing for them, but they do seem to love the stuff.

    Left a small part of the garden as a wild nest for them too. The little ones when they appear are so cute.

    No slug problem in our garden either ;-)

    We used to have a albino one a few years back too that used to visit us.

    Free Member

    We used to have lots of hedghogs in our garden when we lived in Germany and used to hear one of them snoring, awwww cute.

    Full Member

    not seen any hedgehogs for ages. I like them.

    Free Member

    I thought you weren't meant to 'give way' to anything that small

    Correct – I was totalled a car (a beautiful almost new Fiesta XR2 and my pride and joy at the time) after swerving to avoid a rabbit. The police said afterwards that I shouldn't have swerved, in fact I shouldn't have altered my speed or trajectory at all – much safer to kill an animal than yourself.

    But if it was run over on purpose then that is just wrong.

    Free Member

    No hedgehogs here in OZ, but plenty of these

    Still very cute

    Free Member

    I thought you weren't meant to 'give way' to anything that small – could cause an accident (obviously not at 1am in the morning on an empty road)…

    Its not that you're not meant to give way to them, it's just that you're not expected to. You still *can* do, even if it causes traffic flow probs, providing it doesnt cause a danger. I'd not stop for one round a blind bend in a 60, but I'd happily stop for one in a busy 30 and hold up the whole road. Have done several times.

    Free Member

    We get loads in our garden so this year we've invested in one of these so they have somewhere to go for the cold winter months.

    Free Member

    Many years ago (I was about 19) I ran over a hedgehog.

    I turned into a t-junction and spotted it in my headlights at the last moment, reacted super-fast with a quick turn of the wheel, but sadly in the wrong direction. I had the window open and heard it squash. I was really, really upset by this at the time 'cos I love the prickly little gits….

    Full Member

    Badgers are our local road side casualties. There are lots dead on the roads around Pangbourne every summer. Our street is a cul de sac and some twonk managed to kill one on there too. Strange that you have to have a permit or be in season to kill a lot of animals with a gun but you can mow them down with a car and you can go on about your business without lifting from the accelerator.

    Full Member

    I expect the little critter was nearly blind anyway from having led lights shone into its eyes nearly every night, during beam pattern trials.

    Free Member

    Hedgehogs….why can't they just share?

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