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  • GoPro Chest Mount
  • Chew
    Free Member

    Any secret ways to use this without it shaking about too much that you cant see the picture once its filmed.

    Any other mounting options to improve the quality of the image?

    Free Member

    I’m getting the GoPro and chest strap next week so no real experience – but been reading up about mount ideas in advance. This sounds quite helpful:


    Free Member

    Do it up as tight as possible & if you’re wearing a camelbak, tighten the chest strap over the mount.

    Free Member

    Mine is on pretty tight.
    Haven’t had problems with it shaking too much.

    Free Member

    Mount the camera upside down to get a better angle, you can switch the camera to film upside down in the settings, or leave it if you can 180 the film on your editing software, harness shouldnt move if tight unless you have man boobs 😀 loosen the side straps for climbs to let your lungs work, and loosen side straps to take it off or it will lose its elastic strenght,

    Free Member

    You really need to do it PROPERLY tight

    Free Member

    Coastkid has got it right mount it upside down and do the straps up, the go pros are really good and you don’t get that much bouncing around.

    Free Member

    I have mine mounted upside down and pointing upwards at around 45 degrees to the chest plate.
    That seems to give the best viewing angle when your off the saddle and over the bars.

    Free Member

    Gaffer tape between the chest plate and the buckle.
    Both have a tendency to rattle together going over any rough stuff, sound is picked up on the cameras mike

    Full Member

    Only time I’ve ever had mine shake about excessively was when it wasn’t done up properly.

    You could try image stabilisation software, but tbh it shouldn’t be neccesary.

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