Home Forums Chat Forum Good present for a budding photographer?

  • This topic has 8 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by ski.
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  • Good present for a budding photographer?
  • jamesgarbett
    Free Member

    Maybe a book for someone just starting with digital photography – any recommendations?

    Free Member

    A bit more background info would be useful?
    Something like what equipment they already have, or what they like photographing, or objectives and/or budget.
    A book would be a good start, I prefer books showcasing work rather than “How to…” books.

    Free Member

    Well they’re only 11, just using a compact at the mo, but a dSLR is on the cards next birthday

    Budget wise I’m only going to be spending 10-15 quid

    Free Member

    Working the camera is the easy bit once you understand exposure
    Learning to see the light and envision the shot
    Is where the skill talent is

    Ive got a couple of joe mcnallys books gathering dust you can have
    Dave black has a nice book out but a bit pricey

    Annie liebovitz would also be an other inspirational character

    Free Member

    I’d suggest a “how to” book would be great when they have a dSLR. It’s well worth encouraging people to switch to manual mode, use a simple prime lens, and learn.

    For now, how about a Flickr Pro account? Meets your price point, they can be given as a gift too I think, and lets them upload photos into a social community, connect with others, and get loads of inspiration.

    Full Member

    The Photographers Eye seconded. Good book and understandable for an 11yo.

    Free Member

    Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson.
    The basics.

    Free Member

    Apart from a book, have you hought about a DSLR magazine sub?

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