Home Forums Bike Forum Glen lyon to bridge of orchy?? help

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  • Glen lyon to bridge of orchy?? help
  • ton
    Full Member

    is there a estate road to get through on?

    Free Member

    Ton, we were at the head of Loch Rannoch the other day and saw a waymarked trail from there to Bridge of Orchy. Glen Lyon isnt far away.

    Free Member

    Ton – I believe that the estate road on the north side of Loch Lyon now extends all the way through to the West Highland Way at Auch Farm. Never ridden it myself, just read about it.

    Free Member

    Just had a look at the satellite imagery on whereesthepath and it seems to go right through – apart from around 500m at Strath Tarabhan

    Free Member

    There's also a new(ish) track on the south side of the loch not shown on the OS map.

    Full Member

    cheers fella's.

    Free Member

    there is also one goes from killin too ton mate. google earth shows it.

    Full Member

    even better. 8)

    Free Member

    I've ridden the southern tack and it's nice easy ride with a few river crossings. Takes a bit of navigation when deciding where to cross the river at the west end as the track carries on to a dead end and the track you are ment to follow looks like it's going the wrong way as it doubles back east for a few meters and the west ward heading track is hidden up the hill a little.

    Free Member

    there is also one goes from killin too ton mate. google earth shows it.

    ooooh, I never found that – presume an extension to the Hydro board tracks?

    Whats everyone doing on Friday – I have a day off and an itch to scratch – either this up to Orchy or Ben Lawers….

    Free Member

    ton, you up this way soon?

    Free Member

    Matt – looking at the map and doing the route in reverse – head south from the dam at the end of loch lyon to glen lochay make your way home from there.

    Full Member

    ton, you up this way soon?

    not until september mate..

    Free Member

    Is this the 'missing 500m?

    Meh, I cannot get google earth to link to a specific point, can anyone?

    Free Member

    Thats the badger

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