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  • Gigs.
  • jeffl
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    But late to the party, but saw Bicep at Ally Pally. First gig in years. I was amazed that so many people were intent on recording it on their phone, rather than watching it with their actual eyes!

    Not my photo but gives you an idea.

    <b>Bicep, Ally Pally</b>But overall a great gig, my ears were ringing for 24 hours after

    Full Member

    I was amazed that so many people were intent on recording it on their phone

    Baffling isn’t it? I think people just have the idea that that is what you do at gigs. So they do it. **** em, long as their phone doesn’t get it my way.
    This is my favourite photo of stupity – Anna Calvi right there! in front of you! So you erm watch her on your phone screen. :lol:

    Free Member

    One positive, people intent on phone-filming a gig are less likely to talk through it.

    Full Member

    I was amazed that so many people were intent on recording it on their phone

    It was very nice when I went to see Tedeschi Trucks last month, that absolutely no one had their phones out. Doubt there were many in the crowd under 40 though

    Free Member

    Just been to a local improv gig. Was okay, a smidge too nice for my tastes.

    Full Member

    This is my favourite photo of stupity

    Wouldn’t the photos from their phones show you doing exactly the same!

    Full Member

    That Cure gig in Leeds was really good. It was more than one gig though really, wasn’t it?! Loved it.

    Full Member

    Paul Heaton and Jacqui Abbot tonight in Birmingham. 60th birthday treat from Mrs Sandwich. (On a side note, 60! What? How?)

    Full Member

    It was very nice when I went to see Tedeschi Trucks last month, that absolutely no one had their phones out.

    Same with clipping., but that’s because everyone was going nuts. Well, I guess there was probably people at the back taking pics, but more fool them. I did see one bloke take his phone into the mosh-pit, that would’ve been a fun video (for 5 seconds) :P

    Full Member

    Paul Heaton and Jacqui Abbot tonight in Birmingham.

    , Is Jacqui back to fighting fit? She didn’t appear at Portsmouth but still a cracking gig I hear. We couldn’t go this time but seem them a few times before and they are ace, top gig.

    Full Member

    No Jacqui last night either 😩 We’ll have to go again 😎

    Billy Bragg was a man in charge and on top of his game. Worth the ticket price just for his short set.
    Paul Heaton was pleased to be in front of a crowd not as assured as Billy Bragg but equally on top of his game.

    Prettiest Eyes resonated with its 60 25th of Decembers and my lovely wife alongside.

    Full Member

    Blimey, Billy Bragg! Saw him in 1984… that’s 38 years ago! :lol:

    Full Member

    Another local one for me last night, Pete Churchman at MASH. Very good indeed. Didn’t finish until 0015 though so I’m a bit sleepy this morning!

    Would love to see Billy Bragg again.

    Full Member

    Not been to a gig for some time, but it was recenyly pointed out to me that there are MANY live concerts available online, often for free. I have 2 monitors and a laptop, so I’m now using the laptop screen to play gigs – bit of background music while I’m working, and I can check the action when it seems interesting without needing to focus on it as you would a documentary etc,

    Found LOADS already including a Xentrix gig at Bradford Queen’s Hall in 1989 that i was at. Should keep me buisy for a long time when I start exploring old blues gigs and so on. Currently enoying Rammstein live in Paris, 2012

    Full Member

    Yes, youtube is chock full of live performances. (Some are great to watch but it’s nothing like being at a gig.)
    During Covid they were actually charging to watch things live online, can’t get my head around why you would pay for such a thing!

    Free Member

    Just on the way home from Paul Heaton at Sheffield arena.
    A friend’s wife was poorly so he offered me her ticket this afternoon. Rude not too.
    Billy was indeed on top form.
    Paul looks a bit lost and lonely without Jackie on stage with him

    Free Member

    During Covid they were actually charging to watch things live online, can’t get my head around why you would pay for such a thing!

    To support musicians and tech/crew who suddenly had to cancel tours and generally make no money selling records these days.

    Full Member

    During Covid they were actually charging to watch things live online, can’t get my head around why you would pay for such a thing!

    Miles Hunt from the wonderstuff did a load of free streams during the first COVID lockdown, they were actually really good to watch. He did a tour of his house!!

    I bought a poster to put in the kitchen

    Full Member

    Introduced Sandwich Jr to Mr Bragg on the way home. He pointed out that Francis Turner Esq has a large influence from him. Mr Turner is Thursday’s treat this coming week.

    Full Member

    Shooglenifty at Ardgour village hall last night. It was an absolute belter homecoming gig for many of the band.Limited amount filming limited seating. Maximum dancing even by old gits like me.

    Full Member

    The Reytons last night it Brighton. Well, that was good! Interesting to learn they are a self funded band, so no big label, do their own videos, and I think produce the songs themselves, quite refreshing.

    Gig itself was mad, I stayed just on the periphery of the mosh madness but close enough for a 50yr old to get a bit of vicarious buzz. Go see them if you get chance, they will either be playing bigger venues next time around or disappear, so grab the chance now.

    , where are you seeing Frank? I didn’t think his tour started until the new year.

    Full Member

    @johnjn2000 We’re off to sunny Berlin. He’s support for Billy Talent. Sandwich Jr is happier than a pig in muck as Billy Talent have been on the to see list for a while.

    Free Member

    Saw First Aid Kit on the last night of their tour in Hammersmith last night. Just amazing. They’re so in tune with each other it’s like they sing as one person if that makes sense. So beautiful to listen to.

    Full Member

    Some idiot didn’t make sure the tickets were on their phone. Due to the scramble we got in just as 4 Simple Words was finishing and Frank left the stage. To say I’m upset is slightly underselling it. Billy Talent have the worst PA ever, the kids are having fun though (mine and the audience).
    For the avoidance of doubt I am the fool mentioned in the first sentence. Berlin has been fun and sobering in equal parts.

    Full Member

    Richard Hawley in Edinburgh on Saturday – cannae wait! 😀

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    More local goodness for me this evening. Sinead Una followed by Mountain Ash at MASH in Macclesfield :-)

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    @sandwich, that isn’t good. If it helps at all we are missing Peter Kay tonight due to an invasion of Covid. Feel free to buy my tickets and have yourself a laugh :-)

    Free Member

    I never ever go out on NYE but heard good things about Horse Meat Disco and grabbed tickets earlier

    Full Member

    During Covid they were actually charging to watch things live online, can’t get my head around why you would pay for such a thing!

    Because it’s good to support people in a time of need. Most artists seemed to be doing a pay what you can afford & pushing money onto crew & venues that were in desperate need. Without the generosity of those people paying to watch something online, we might not have venues left to keep this thread going.

    Full Member

    He pointed out that Francis Turner Esq has a large influence from him. Mr Turner is Thursday’s treat this coming week.

    I’m sulking with Frank after he cancelled his tour exactly this time last year. He was due to play locally (really locally!) on Feb 14th at a tiny venue and tickets were maybe £20ish. My wife bought me some tickets for Xmas. Cancelling 7 days before Xmas meant that not only did the gig go out of the window but my Xmas present did as well. :( (Yes, I’m very childish for a 50+ man. :D ). Then, to add insult to injury he announced a tour which goes nowhere near where I live and is significantly more expensive. I hope he knows how unhappy I am with him. :D

    Free Member

    Superb gig with Michael Head and Red Elastic Band (lead singer from the Pale Fountains) last night. Certainly more, erm, sober than last time when he needed to be helped to his guitar…

    Full Member

    @IdleJon, I have a feeling I had the same with Franks cancellations earlier this year. I did manage to get an outstore gig instead though so that kinda made up for it as it was in a pub which was cool. Where was yours supposed to be?

    Full Member

    Saw Therapy? supported by Rews at Colchester Arts Centre on Weds night, both were excellent. It’s a cracking venue too, not been there in ages.

    Full Member

    Saw First Aid Kit on the last night of their tour in Hammersmith last night. Just amazing. They’re so in tune with each other it’s like they sing as one person if that makes sense. So beautiful to listen to.

    We were there for that too. The acoustic renditions of Songbird and Ghost Town were very special. The crowd were very respectful too, in quietening down especially for those two songs.

    Full Member

    @IdleJon, I have a feeling I had the same with Franks cancellations earlier this year. I did manage to get an outstore gig instead though so that kinda made up for it as it was in a pub which was cool. Where was yours supposed to be?

    Somewhere here in Swansea. Sin City maybe?

    Superb gig with Michael Head and Red Elastic Band (lead singer from the Pale Fountains) last night.

    I love his last album, and some of the older stuff, especially Shack. He doesn’t seem to tour very often.

    Full Member

    Andrew Wasylyk in Glasgow tonight – very much looking forward to it, not least because it will mean a well-timed exit from my work Christmas party (after the dinner, before too many drinks!)

    Full Member

    @johnjn2000. Thanks for the offer but we were flying back (late) with lyin’air.

    @idlejohn If it helps we ignored the gig in Ipswich as we were seeing him in Berlin, Ha! Sold out now and the Corn Exchange is not big venue either. TBF we did see him on consecutive nights earlier this year.

    Full Member

    Few booked in for next year now

    Marcus King
    The Teskey Brothers
    The Black Keys
    The War On Drugs

    Full Member

    Young Fathers, Brighton; Jockstrap, Oxford; Goat, Brighton; Foals, Southampton and Rival Consoles, London booked. Good start to the year, will have to go some to beat 2022, saw more gigs than any other year since ‘79 ☺️

    Free Member

    Clutch at The Roundhouse in Camden tonight supported by Tigerclub and Green Lung.

    I’ve never listened to any of them, so it’s a bit of a mystery tour :)

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