We had 3 cats
Cat 1: Lazy bugger, didn’t do a whole lot, occasionally looked at a mouse in a baleful manner.
Blue Square Cat 0-2 Mice
Cat 2: If it saw a mouse, would chase after it, play with it for a bit, and generally worry it to death.
Championship Cat 1-1 Mice
Cat 3: Actively looked for mice, would lie in wait for one to come out, killed them and bit the head off. Would then leave the remains for you and expect praise for a job well done.
Premier League Cat 6-0 Mice
We’ve managed to ship cat 1 off to my sister-in-law’s place as it was useless. Cat 2 has had it’s contract extended, but cat 3 has had a series of good transfers and is now a first team pick, as well as being CEO of In-House-Kill-A-Mouse plc