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  • Free Till Software
  • tomatoevousparlour
    Free Member


    Hopefully somebody can help.

    I am after a freeware Till software (For handling cash and stock levels) to use as part of a canteen at the local ATC Squadron.

    I have had no luck finding suitable software on my own.

    Many Thanks


    Free Member

    Google for “free point of sale software”

    Free Member

    All the programs that google throws up seem to be really buggy, limited to say 10 products or cannot track stock numbers.

    Free Member

    We looked while back, no decent freeware ones, either buy a cheap till and run an excel spreadsheet of stock or you will need to pay up, sorry

    Free Member

    I used to run my old squadrons tea bar and bar. And I found excel and a bit of time is far superior to any free programs. We found them all to be hassle.

    Hard work to begin with but once you get used to it and keep on top of it its fairly simple to do all by hand

    Free Member

    A cafe I was in the other day had an iPad running free till software connected to a card machine as well, I was very impressed..

    Free Member

    Have a look at http://proffittcenter.org

    It might have enough functions to do what you are after?

    Also, look at http://www.epos-store.co.uk/pos-software.html

    There is a list of POS solutions sorted by price (from free upwards)

    Full Member

    That iPad system is free because you have to use their card merchant services, so they make their money through every transaction you pass.

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