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  • Four pints in.
  • senorj
    Full Member

    Four pints in ,was up at 4am and I have to cycle to 25 miles at 5.30in the morning .
    I am waiting for a curry .what tyres for a hangover?
    How much have you imbibed and ridden?

    Free Member

    I’m finishing off a bottle of Merlot that was bought for cooking the lamb dish tonight. It’s pretty rank but I hate waste….hic. Might also have a 6 o’clock gin later but I need to go out to the garage first and fit a new XT mech.

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    0 0

    But I’ve been up since 12pm yesterday so I win on that front.

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    Alcohol = carb loading. 😀

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    2 pints, one pkt of jalapeno rifters, one of scampi fries & counting..

    Full Member

    Did a lap of Inners XC the morning after a mate’s stag a few weeks ago.

    It was grim, then OK for a bit, then **** grim. And then I had a strange mishap that resulted in bending a pedal axle on a rock and inserting the nose of my saddle up my bum.

    I dunno how I made it down Cadon Bank without crying.

    Full Member

    Merlot and apple pie with custard after a swift after work ride on new carbon road bike. Lovely.

    Full Member

    Chapaking – I dunno how i made it through your post without crying, Actually, I didn’t. That must have hurt.


    Free Member

    I rode into work the morning after a mate’s stag (this was the night I made it home safely then woke up at 3 in the morning lying on the landing with the light on). All the way in I was looking at the pavement and thinking if I fell off in the right direction I could have a nice lie down. The man himself made it in at lunchtime and his boss sent him straight back home.

    Free Member

    I managed 10 pints and a curry the night before our first leg of the coast to coast…..55miles.
    There are people on here who rode with us on that ride!
    Was quite an experience

    Free Member

    So I’d say you’ve got room for another 6 pints yet.

    Free Member

    6 pints, a gig and a Boris bike is where it’s at 😀

    …but not tonight as at work yet again 🙁

    Free Member

    6 pints of Tennants & a Piri, Piri ch. salad with a side of chips & garlic bread – yum….

    Free Member

    4 pints regular twice a week after riding, then ride home, sometimes via the kebab shop! 🙄

    Free Member

    Several Mutzigs at Bar Robbo’s before a bar crawl around Morzine, and then ending up in the little underground nightclub (Opera?) until closing time. When we awoke to sunshine rather than the apocalyptic downpour predicted we decided it would have been rude not to ride.

    Chundering out of the gondala window wasn’t a great start to the day. 😳

    Full Member

    Once tried to ride home after 3 pints of Jaipur. Steering must have gone loose while we were in the pub.

    Full Member

    if i told you how many pots me and the sweary boys do on our tours, and then ride you would not believe me.
    ask mcmoonter…..he didnt think it was possible.

    Full Member

    fieldy – the lads I did the C2C with decided that Penrith needed to experience 5 pissed Geordies. We want to somewhere called Warehouse and drank vodka and red bull until about it closed at 2am I think. Then two of them decided to start wrestling in the hotel room wearing only their underpants. The next day was interesting, Hartside not too bad but Garrigill nearly killed me.

    Full Member

    The great thing about multi-day epics – either all on bike or point to point by car and ride – is that you work up a fierce thirst, we managed to drain the Sconser Hotel of beer one evening on a MTB tour…

    Free Member

    Dunno but I tried to double a stair set after a whole bottle of vodka, broke a couple toes and cycled 4 miles home.

    “That’ll hurt in the morning” doesn’t cover it.

    Full Member

    My user name covers it pretty much. Although sometimes I don’t ride quite that far 8)

    Full Member

    A couple pints at the Sligachan Hotel and an early night sounded like a good plan ahead of a big day in the saddle………..
    …..being invited to the birthday party of the owner of the bunkhouse was not part of the plan, still drinking at 3am (necking cider from Rambo the ram’s horn!) was not part of the plan.

    Rode from Sligachan to Kilchoan the next day…..93, surprisingly not too bad, miles.

    Full Member

    Please forgive the typos – i was pished. I’m normally a two pint wonder and should’ve declined the glass of red the missus gave me with the Fish curry!!! Anyway, made it in , just !
    fieldy – 10 pints!!! 😯

    Free Member

    enigmas –

    Chundering out of the gondala window wasn’t a great start to the day.


    I’ve done the same in deux alpes. Quite awkward at peak time when you’re crammed in like sardines and then have to endure the remainder of the ride trying to avoid eye contact.

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