I was listening to ‘Bad People’ podcast the other day and one of the presenters, comedian Sophie Hagen said that she wanted to be called fat, instead of obese or overweight.
Calling someone obese, medicalises her body shape, and overweight suggests that there is an ideal weight, which she didn’t agree with.
Medically it’s pretty clear cut – there is an ideal weight and “I don’t agree with it” is like “I don’t agree that a car going 70 would hurt if it hit me” – your opinion isn’t relevant.
In the real world though there’s probably a sliding scale. Many of us could afford to lose a few pounds/ few cms of jiggly bits, and it doesn’t hurt to be reminded of it occasionally. But obesity is a medical issue relating to being grossly overweight, that generally comes after “fat” and “overweight”, and shouldn’t be normalised, accepted or swerved because someone doesn’t “agree” with it.
It may not always be the obese person’s fault directly, but it’s their fault more than it’s anyone else’s – and the first step is acknowledging the condition and trying to do something about it! So back to the OP, the campaign’s a good one as long as it keeps encouraging people to keep trying, and keep exercising – more like this!