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  • Eating Porridge everyday – benefits?
  • hora
    Free Member

    Basically looking for plus points here. Since Sat I have eaten Porridge everyday. I actually like it and mix in honey, blueberries etc.

    Longterm- eating this, is it good for you? I dont miss the fried buttys yet.

    Free Member

    I eat porridge every day, though I’m too lazy to cook it :o) Isn’t it supposed to have the best (soluble) fibre ?

    Free Member

    Staple diet in Scotland and look how great the life expectancy is…..

    Full Member

    Yep, definitely good for you.
    Fills you up, lowers cholesterol levels, increases fibre hence better poos and less chance of various cancers.

    An excellent breakfast.

    Free Member

    Eating Porridge everyday – benefits?

    Much smellier farts in my opinion!!! (but I am a vege so I am already halfway there to be fair)


    Full Member

    Staple diet in Scotland and look how great the life expectancy is…..

    can you deep-fry it ?

    Might up the output of your farts a bit, possibly lessening their “impact” along the way. Not sure about good/bad in this

    Full Member

    oooh, bikey – are you suggesting win:win, output AND fragrance ?

    ambassador, you’re spoiling us !

    Free Member

    Isn’t it supposed to have the best (soluble) fibre

    Tell me more about this side

    Free Member

    also it’s much cheaper than other breakfast cereals, 1.5Kg for 86p in Sainsburys

    Free Member

    and ready brek makes you glow orange

    Free Member

    eat it every day with honey, only reason is to stop me eating all morning at work, keeps me nice and full, although I did find eating and then heading out on the bike after 30 mins was a bad idea!

    Free Member

    Nutty Stools. 😆

    Free Member

    Our Westie was brought up on Readybreak from the age of 0. Hes very lean, muscular and very energetic. Must be something good in that stuff.

    Ps. Hes white though, not orange.

    Free Member

    excellent with any fruit really including dried fruit… the only food my children never refuse. Cheap as cheap can be a doddle to make… slow release energy , next to no fat, usually UK sourced….cant comment on fibre /farts vegan and of olympic standards in both departments!!!(dont cycle behind me)

    Porridge is rich in soluble fibre, which has been shown to lower blood cholesterol. Eating oats can improve blood flow and bind to cholesterol in the gut, aiding its removal from the body. Scientists think the cholesterol-lowering effects of oats are due to the oat soluble fibre beta-glucan. Lowering cholesterol in the body reduces the risk of heart disease. A daily serving of oats can also improve blood pressure control and reduce the need for anti-hypertensive medication. Oats are one of just a few foods that have the UK 2004 Joint Health Claims Initiative. The claim acknowledges the importance of oats by approving the following claim: “The inclusion of oats as part of a diet low in saturated fat and a healthy lifestyle can help reduce blood cholesterol.”


    Free Member

    A slight varient on the theme, but I eat Quaker Granola for breakfast. However the calorie intake is about 400-450 for 100g of cereal (a typical bowls worth).

    It’s basically just rolled oats and honey baked. How does porridge alone compare?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I have dorset cereals and tesco jumbo oats mixed with pear and blueberries everyday, stops me snacking till at least 12 midday and thats with a pretty pyshical job and i do feel healthier fitter etc

    Free Member

    If I eat breakfast I end up ravenous by 10am and having to snack between meals. Cant see how that would be good. Readybrek is nice though, is that “proper” porridge?

    Free Member

    coffeeking…..Im also cutting down on espresso’s…..

    Free Member

    porridge is amazing. i love it. recently i’ve been making it using organic jumbo oats, a pinch of sea salt and water. then adding a dash of encona hot pepper sauce to make a fiery savoury wonder-bowl… seriously, may sound odd but it works.

    Free Member

    I started eating porridge daily about 18 months or so ago and I’ve had a lot less colds

    Free Member

    How about Oat So Simple (golden syrup flavour) with added extra golden syrup? I have eaten it every day for the last 6 months instead of the fruit mueseli I used to eat – I am not expecting it to be healthy but gawd, is it nice?

    Free Member

    slow release energy

    I thought this, but rolled oats have a high glycemic index (measure of how fast they convert to glucose and are absorbed)

    Full Member

    xhx – that does sound weird.

    I too use jumbo organic oats (I suspect from the same shop – hora’s most hated!), because they taste better and offer a better source of fibre and a slower release of energy.

    Just started back on porridge for breakfast after several months off it. Even eaten just before getting on the bike to ride to work, it’s ace.

    Mine is dead easy: 50-80g jumbo oats, covered in semi-skimmed milk (I don’t measure the mil, just use the bowl to guide the amount) and microwaved for 3 mins. Ace.

    hora – put on your best knitted sandals, and get down to Unicorn for a kilo of jumbo oats. If you wear an “ethnic” hat, no-one will even recognise you….

    Free Member

    haha, i’ll instruct my pal statto (who works there) to look out for hora and batter him if he tries to go into unicorn (not that he will, i recall his bile-fueled rant on here from the last time he went near the place)!

    Full Member

    If I have brecky, which I only have if I get up before 9a.m. it’s porridge.
    I have 1/2 skimmed milk, 1/2 water. and a teaspoon of jam mixed in.

    Free Member

    porridge rocks my socks!

    Best bet is the plain stuff and flavour it yourself, the “oats so simple” and readybrek stuff is full of thickeners and sugar.

    3 heaped tablespoons of oats, and enough milk to cook in 3 minutes

    if you use less oats (say 1 spoon) and cook it then let it stand for a few minutes before re-heating its just as thick, but less calories.

    Free Member

    porridge every day for me.

    I stand in a field with a kilt on like the Quaker man. I’ll see you Jimmy!

    Full Member

    i don’t get the ‘fills me up’ thing – i’m always hungry much sooner after eating porridge (whether it be fast oats, or jumbo chunky ones) than just about anything else. except apples, they make me feel very hungry very quickly after eating one…

    Free Member

    I cant get into the Unicorn, they always shoo me away with a brush thinking I’m some sort of thievin pikey-vagrant

    Free Member

    If I make porridge, I use full fat milk and put a load of honey on. I use a cup full of oats and two of milk.

    Possibly not the healthiest start to the day.

    Free Member

    Golden Syrup in it for me, probably explains the slightly larger size of trousers … 🙄

    Free Member

    I went through a phase at uni of making porridge with canned tuna and chilli sauce in it as it was cheaper than pasta. It was horrid. 🙁

    Free Member

    Erm (incase any tasty lasses are reading this) my ‘friend’ just mentioned to me that he had the most explosive and long shat known to man today. Lots of trapped air coming out and epic in wetness and length.

    What gives? (he says)

    Free Member

    BigDummy – that really is sad! And I don’t think porridge is cheaper than pasta anyway!

    Free Member

    but rolled oats have a high glycemic index

    and why is this bad for you, simon?

    you do realize i’m offering you the opportunity to display your knowledge of insulin sensitivity here… 🙂

    Full Member

    Since posting up on here a few months ago, asking how to make a good bowl of porridge. I went out and bought really good quality oats and have a steaming hot bowl every morning with honey.
    It’s worth getting up for.

    Funnily, my sister eats her porridge at night before she goes to bed!

    Free Member

    I add whisky to porridge to make it even betterer.

    Free Member

    and why is this bad for you, simon?

    it’s not “bad” as such, it’s just not slow release. However, slow release itself may not be particularly useful, as that’s trying to 2nd guess a complicated metabolic system, designed to be used by dumb creatures which know no more than to eat all they can get.

    Free Member

    A nutritionist woman we had talking at work a year or so ago said it’s best to soak the oats overnight, but I can’t remember why!

    Do you add water or milk to them – out of interest?

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