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  • Drinking on your own
  • Kunstler
    Full Member

    I may have slipped into some dangerous territory. Possibly, quite a long way into it. Anybody else had a revelation?

    Free Member

    get help

    Full Member

    Solo drinking and itunes = miserable playlists.

    Free Member

    Och, I do it all the time – it’s nowhere near as dangerous as they’d have you believe. It’s nice to sit down the pub, enjoying some good craic, but, equally, there are times when you just want to get quietly sozzled without the noise and bother*

    *disclaimer – last week I had five days off the booze, just to make sure I still could!*

    Full Member

    Even I know well enough to stay away from itunes.

    Free Member

    there are times when you just want to get quietly sozzled without the noise and bother*

    times when you should be very worried 🙁

    Free Member

    i felt bad enough drinking(given im not a drinker by all accounts)in a bar on my own in a town where i know no one ……

    – ended up with a group of folk who were all in the same boat at a night club and then a house party

    one of the best nights out ive had for a while !

    Free Member

    All the best writers, poets,musicians and thinkers liked a drink. All the crap ones were sober. This is a universal truth.

    Free Member

    Getting pished on your own can be quite cathartic but I’d avoid doing it too regularly.

    Alcohol has many uses – gateway, prop, escape etc. Some people don’t understand this.

    Free Member

    In moderation alcoholic beverages can be very pleasant, I don’t see why enjoying said refreshment on your own is a problem. If however you see alcohol just as a means “to get wrecked” (as I often hear some proclaim) then that’s a different kettle of fish IMO.

    Free Member

    I may have slipped into some dangerous territory. Possibly, quite a long way into it. Anybody else had a revelation?

    Been there got that T-shirt.
    If you think that you may have slipped a long way into dangerous waters there is a dammed good chance you have.

    I have been in the habbit of drinking too much was convinced that I didn’t really have a problem as I could stop if I wished … and could stop for a number of days at a time if required.

    Underneath it all I secretly knew that I was drinking too much … as I suspect you do.

    When I stopped drinking it took three weeks until I felt a lot better.

    Try giving up alcohol for a month… I don’t mean cutting down … total and absolute abtainance…. I mean total … no sherry trifle etc.

    At the end of the month you WILL know if you have a problem. I did.

    All the very best


    Free Member

    why is it considered dangerous to drink on your own ? Is this some kind of new health and safety thing, where’s the danger ?


    Free Member

    It’s not about the company …. It’s about the habit.

    Free Member

    Depends how much you drink and why.
    If you just have a beer or 2 because you like taste its fine. If you’re doing it with the intention of getting sozzled, or because you feel you need the alcohol, then less fine.*

    Although if you think you have a problem, the fact you’ve realised is probably a good thing!

    *this is my view as someone that is almost (but not quite) tea total!

    Free Member

    *disclaimer – last week I had five days off the booze, just to make sure I still could!*

    That’s meant to be one of the signs of having a problem. Giving up drink for a short period to prove to yourself you don’t have a problem.

    Free Member

    You’ll be fine soldier!

    I drink on my own and I’m still here. Did leave the hob on the other night… but I wasn’t drinking that night so don’t think it’s related.

    Free Member

    As Christopher Hitchens said; “It’s not true that you shouldn’t drink alone: these can be the happiest glasses you ever drain…”

    Full Member

    As long as its not in the morning, what’s the problem?

    It isn’t in the morning, is it? 😉

    Free Member

    Sometimes it’s fine. Plus, it means you don’t have to share 18yr old malts. That stuff costs money don’t you know. 😉

    A few beers here and there on your tod in theory is ok.

    If it is a regular part of your day and you are drinking to excess then probably not so good.

    That fact you are thinking it may not be good is a good sign.

    There are plenty of people who can help with stuff like this, it’s dead common.

    If you need numbers or anything then give me a shout, the lass works as an OT and has specialised in alchohol problems. (this isn’t me telling you you have a prob btw as i have no idea etc)

    Free Member

    All the best writers, poets,musicians and thinkers liked a drink. All the crap ones were sober. This is a universal truth.

    I used to half believe this but unfortunately a lot of very talented people have lost their talent due to booze. Some their lives cut short too. There is nothing worse than a drunken bore either.

    As Eyepic I would take time off and not just a few days as most problem drinkers can do that. A month or more is good and that will give you time to level off a bit too and start to view your drinking with a different head on. Not many people need a drink but there can always be reasons or excuses why you deserve one.
    Good luck with finding out about it, it’s probably worth doing if you have a problem or not.

    Free Member

    It’s an abnegation of the creative spirit to suggest that a drug ever revealed any useful insight, though iot may be the case that creative people are also inclined to reckless or selfdestructive behaviour such as drug taking

    Free Member

    As a tee totaller who lives in Lancaster, I think it’s you sfb, and not the OP who has a problem.

    There are far too many good pubs in that city.

    Full Member

    It’s an abnegation of the creative spirit to suggest that a drug ever revealed any useful insight

    Have you not read Alice in Wonderland? Wordsworth’s poetry isn’t bad either.

    Smacked off their tits the whole time, the pair of ’em 😉

    Free Member

    What is the definition of ‘drinking on your own’?

    I have a couple of bottles of beer most nights or perhaps a glass of wine. Normally this is whilst cooking dinner and subsequently relaxing in front of the telly. My wife is sat with me but she doesn’t drink.

    Free Member

    It’s an abnegation of the creative spirit to suggest that a drug ever revealed any useful insight,

    Crock of shit

    Free Member

    Crock of shit

    yes, that’s what every druggie will tell you 🙁

    Free Member

    My wife is sat with me but she doesn’t drink.

    and is she a real person or an inflatable ?

    Free Member

    Dali managed to get his creative insight simply through lack of sleep (at least that was one of his techniques along with opium use). He would go days and into weeks without sleep until he started to become delirious.

    Free Member

    and is she a real person or an inflatable ?

    Some nights I do wonder – we slump in front of the telly and don’t move for hours some nights 😀

    Free Member

    You really don’t have a clue do you ?

    Smug and ignorant, what an intoxicating blend!

    Full Member

    Crock of shit

    yes, that’s what every druggie will tell you

    Creative druggies? Or non-creative? I’m just interested to know who your basing your sweeping, ill-informed generalisations on

    Free Member

    im more concerned about the general popluations addiction to television than alcohol.

    Free Member

    Are you?

    Free Member

    simon.. I have seen your vehemently puritanical stance on threads before..
    It causes me to wonder if you’ve ever experimented with any forms of expanding your consciousness yourself..?

    I personally agree that creative people may also be inclined to reckless behaviour such as drug taking.. I also believe that you could stuff a broad spectrum of folk full of mind altering chemicals.. and maybe only a handful will benefit creatively from the experience.. the majority will become burping.. farting.. hysterical buffoons..

    Full Member

    Free Member

    I do think it’s pretty sad that in this day and age the preferred method of relaxation for many involves sitting on their arses watching other people do the things they’d like to.

    Free Member

    I do think it’s pretty sad that in this day and age the preferred method of relaxation for many involves sitting on their arses watching other people do the things they’d like to.

    Instead you sit at a computer typing furiously about how it is so sad. Why not go out and do one of those things you would like to do?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    simon.. I have seen your vehemently puritanical stance on threads before..

    you mistake me – if people want to poison themselves, that’s their business – I’d just prefer them not to come up with spurious rationalisations, or to insist that their drug is relatively benign while supporting the pointless prosecution of the use of others. I’m all in favour of fun, but observation would seem to suggest that derived from drugs is largely delusional. Chocolate now…

    of course, the best drug is sex and that is highly dangerous :o)

    Free Member

    mf, yes, with alcohol the users tend to acknoledge there is a problem, or that there is the potential for a problem to arise.

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