Also see draw instead of drawer
This irritates me way more than it should.
and shirely instead of surely (which I am never sure people do deliberately or not).
It is deliberate, and don’t call me Shirley. (As someone else pointed out, it’s a Leslie Nielsen gag.)
The way I remember how to spell definitely is that it contains what it means.
“Definately” always legs me up. But you’d never misspell “finite.”
The use of addicting puts my teeth on edge, surely it’s addictive?
I don’t think “addicting” is a word at all. It’s either an Americanism or an affectation of non-native speakers.
I’ve never had a problem with this until I’ve seen it wrong so many times that I’ve started to doubt myself. The Internet has literally made me stupider.
On a slight tangent, one of the headlines in our local rag this week said “Tonnes of recycling is going to waste”
Err, no… tonnes ISN’T doing anything at all, you buffoon. Tonnes ARE going to waste.
I’m not convinced this is right, you know. “Tonnes of recycling” is a singular entity containing many parts. It’s like saying “Microsoft are…” vs “Microsoft is…” – it’s counterintuitive but the latter is correct.