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  • Darda cars – anyone got one?
  • Earl
    Free Member

    Had a short play with a set while I was in NZ. They are the nuts. Don't seam to be very big in the UK.


    Free Member

    i used to have absolutely loads when i was a child. i think they've had their day here, though. many a day was spent setting up a track that curved down the stairs at our house to a massive jump at the end, and then a well-placed bucket/my sister's head for the cars to land. happy, happy days! 🙂

    Free Member

    not to mention the fun to be had taking the tops off and creating mutants! i even had a darda mouse, which was good but pointless as it didn't fit on the track!

    Full Member

    Holy Moly!! I used to have these when I was a nippa (mid-80s I guess)….they were great. We had tons of track with loop the loops & all sorts.
    You had to push the back of the car down & pull it back – they used to absolutely fly.

    I even had a Knight Rider one. I seem to remember you could take them to bits as well so if you broke the motor from one, you just stuck in a different one.


    Free Member

    Crumbs – didn't know they were that old. It's the latest thing in NZ. Didn't realise NZ was so far behind the times.

    <Takes another biscuit out of the Princess Diana variety tin.>

    Free Member

    Didn't realise NZ was so far behind the times.

    I believe they now have the "electric light" as well.

    Free Member

    i've been through the list of cars, and definitely used to have the following, and also some others that i can't remember – the beetle was my favourite but was blue not green.

    (this was rubbish cos you couldn't push it down properly to wind it up, and also didn't fit on the track 😕

    can i also point out that thanks to this thread i looked on ebay yesterday for darda cars and then had a dream about them too. 🙂

    Free Member

    Hi guys.
    I own the darda.co.uk website.
    I bought it with the intention of selling the cars in the UK – I had a whole load of darda as a kid and always wondered why you couldn't get hold of them any more.

    It turns out the company that used to manufacture them in germany sold out to a company in the USA. At the moment the price of getting an order sent over is really restrictive, but i am concidering getting a small order for christmas.

    Its a great toy, and if kids still love Hotwheels so much, them im sure they'd be into Darda.


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