It’s these guys that give the real cyclists amongst us bad names. Cycling home last night a guy went through a red and nearly got hit, then did some mad undertaking a bus move and nearly got squished.
I went past him and said to him “Be careful of undertaking buses mate” I didnt want to mention the red light. He was listening to an MP3 player so wasnt happy he had to take his earphones out and shouted “**** off Lycra boy, who are you, the police?”
Its plonkers like this who give us a bad reputation man. If its a red light, stop. You’re a vehicle, you’re on the road, stop. Its not working for NASA it’s simple rules of the road!
*sigh* that is all really, just wanted a rant. I cycle into Leeds every day, so it’s not as bad as some of the guys who cycle into London.
Stay safe guys.