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  • Club owed money – going legal – any pitfalls?
  • thepurist
    Full Member

    I’m treasurer of a (non cycling) club. We have someone who owes us around 80 quid – this has slowly accrued since April, with a big chunk (periodic payment) added at the end of May. The money relates to the person’s kids, as they aren’t a member themselves. They’ve been spoken to about it a few times until the kids finished for the summer, and since late June I switched to emails to get a record of my requests. Only one of those emails has been acknowledged & that was a request for the information that I’d already sent them.

    I’m thinking enough is enough – time to get serious. So I think the process is to send them a letter before action and then over to the Money Claim Online service.

    Is there anything I need to be aware of if I’m acting as the club rather than myself? Do we need minutes of committee meetings etc. to confirm the club’s decision to act, letters signed by 2 members or anything like that.

    Free Member

    Kick the kid out of the club and then write off the monies.

    Full Member

    Kids are as good as gone as far as I’m concerned. 80 quid’s not make or break for us but it’s a matter of principal now.

    Free Member

    Walk away, mate.

    Is the club incorporated?

    Full Member

    Small claims court fee is £80 (if done online), so even if you won, you’d not make a net profit. NB Chasing an individual for money even if you win in court is next to impossible….

    Full Member

    Up to £300 the court fee fee is £25, so there’s some scope for recovery. I’m pretty sure they can afford the payment without any hassle and that the threat of legal action will make them cough up anyway.

    But why the negativity from everyone? Any first hand experience?

    Full Member

    If the court awards in your favour they include reasonable costs which, whilst limited, do include the court fees so you don’t lose out there.

    I agree with others though. I appreciate the principles but is it really worth the hassle?

    Personally I would walk away but have had first hand experience of the small claims courts and they are generally excellent.


    Danny B

    Free Member

    If they can afford it maybe go round the house? Ask for the money eye to eye. It’s amazing what people will try and get away with if they’re hiding behind phone calls and emails.
    If they dont have cash that day tell them you’ll be back later or another day.
    Another tip is try to speak to the mother of the child. You’ll have a better chance if you tell her Tarquin’s name will be mud at school as his parents cant pay a measly 80 pound club fee.

    Full Member

    Name and shame them at the club. Or at least threaten to.

    Full Member

    But why the negativity from everyone? Any first hand experience?

    Good and bad. We took a tenant to court last year and evicted them and got a CCJ for about £5k. However, they had lost their job, had no savings and couldn’t pay rent, so chasing them for the money was pointless, best we’d have got was 50p a week for the rest of eternity.

    On the good side, a company recently stole the best part of £2k from me and a Letter before action plus a load more letters and the credit card company hassling them meant they coughed up the lot on the day the court action was to be issued. Once the money has cleared in my account I’ll name and shame etc…

    Full Member


    I feel your pain.
    Mr H helped run an after school club ,where some people seemed hard wired to take advantage . Make it firm but fair or these things can drag out and get messy. It’s a shame for the kids,but they are more than likely taking other folk for a ride at the same time.

    Full Member

    Have you actually spoken to them face to face ?
    Play it as though its the kids your concerned for.

    If you get a slammed door/mouthfull I’d write it off.
    Lifes too short.

    Full Member

    Yep they were asked in person several times up to early July (last time I saw them) & the answer was always “going to do it on line when I get home”. I switched to email after that to try to get some sort of record of asking them. They’ve been slow payers in the past but never this bad.

    Full Member

    Seems unfair on the kids that the parents are crap,

    but there could be other circumstances. Is there a tactful way you could ask them if they are having financial troubles? maybe 80 quid is too much for them, explain that without regular payment the kids will be out and offer that theyll have to pay whats owed maybe an extra fiver a week or something, standing order?

    Full Member

    I’d try the ‘I’ve spoken to other club board members and if you genuinely can’t afford to pay we can come to an arrangement’ approach.

    No one wants to look like they’re broke unless they really are so they’re more likely to pay up than accept your ‘how about a fiver a week?’ offer.

    Full Member

    Already covering that kimbers – rather than just asking for the money I’ve asked if there’s any reason they’re not paying. No reply. Tbf the kids aren’t the most organised either – must be a genetic thing.

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