Home Forums Bike Forum Cleaning inside of fork lowers

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  • Cleaning inside of fork lowers
  • prezet
    Free Member

    I’m just doing a lowers service on my forks – so far so good.

    What is suitable for cleaning the inside of the fork lowers? I have some Fenwicks concentrated degreaser – is that any ok? Or should I be using something more specific?

    Free Member

    isopropol alchohol in a spray from maplins

    Free Member

    Cool – I have some of that 🙂 cheers.

    Free Member

    a “randomly branded fork/bike cleaning spray” shaked out unless there is a lot of crap in there.

    Free Member

    IPA & some lint-free cloths, with a length of dowel to poke the cloth back out again.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a cheap wooden spoon with a plastic coated cup hook screwed in the end, closed up with pliers to make it an ‘o’ rather than a hook. Put the cloth though the hook and you can scrub and diddle away in all the nooks and crannies.

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