Home Forums Bike Forum Chances of repairing this cracked frame?

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  • Chances of repairing this cracked frame?
  • el_boufador
    Full Member

    Steel frame.

    Noticed this the other day. I’ve taken a bit of paint off to see it better.

    It’s underneath the bend in the non drive side chain stay to get around the tyre.

    It’s a really strange place to get a crack. I can only think it was weakened during the manufacturing process(?)

    What are the chances of it welding up ok?

    Not saying what frame it is yet – I’ve not contacted the manufacturer to see what they might be able to do, which is the next step.

    Just wondering about my options is all


    Full Member

    Good welder will be able to plate over that.

    Full Member

    Yeah – I’d fill the crack with Tig braze then cut a curved rounded cornered 0.9mm plate and braze that over the top..

    So yes – it’s steel, it’s infinitely repairable (within reason)

    Full Member

    or see what cotic say?

    Full Member

    Who said it was a cotic?

    But yeah, taking it up with the manufacturer is next step

    Full Member

    Looks like that frame might have been over-loaded 😉

    Full Member

    FFS attempting emoji…


    Well that doesn’t work

    I was going for the hands over eyes one

    Full Member


    That’s not a very nice post when the OP is trying to resolve things without being a ****.

    Full Member

    How old is the frame? That could be due to water collecting there causing internal rust. It’s an odd way to crack, but yes, easily repairable.

    Full Member

    @singlespeedstu thanks but I think it was tongue in cheek (well, it was taken that way by me anyway!)

    Worse things happen at sea, as they say

    Full Member

    @geforcejunky, yeah, that could be a plausible explanation. It’s about 5 years old, I’m the second owner.

    Full Member

    To be fair when I opened the thread earlier I saw an upside down Cotic.

    Good luck with the repair.

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