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  • China building a hospital in less than a week
  • raybanwomble
    Free Member

    Boris Johnson: We’ll build six new hospitals by 2025!

    China: Quick, hold my beer!


    In the city of Wuhan, where most cases have occurred, the race to build a new 1,000-bed hospital in just six days began on Thursday night. Diggers and bulldozers beginning work on the site of a holiday complex once intended for local workers, according to Chinese media.


    I guess that is one upside to a lack of regulation.

    Why did it only occur to me today that having to commute on a heathrow line means that I’ll probably be one of the first people to catch any pandemic that gets here. 😀 Didn’t factor that one in to my work life balance/chance of getting killed to death calculation

    Free Member

    Yep – the Chinese can chuck it up pretty quick to be fair.

    Id guess if cases increase internationally then airports would be closed down anyways as they have done in parts of China already. Its the health professionals that will be at the front line of catching it .. as demonstrated in China again.

    And that there lies the big concern. Health staff staying away from work if this really does spread as feared. Its one thing having hospital – but you need staff to turn up to work in them.

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    Actually the virus was already spreading before Xmas as people was already talking about it at that time.

    I guess the best time to spread the virus is Chinese New Year so the virus can be brought home to every remote corner of China.

    The old people will be very vulnerable to the virus.

    Full Member

    They’ve got all the diggers out.

    Free Member

    I’ll probably be one of the first people to catch any pandemic that gets here

    Look on the bright side. You’ll be in the first wave of sick people heading to hospital, so they might have some medicine left when you get there. Anyone in the second wave or later might as well just stay home and die there.

    Free Member

    Ah, the world is over-populated and most of the people I care about are young, fit and healthy, and I think more importantly, not overly cynical.

    Cynicism can kill, there will be a big push to remind me to take basic hygiene precautions, avoid crowed areas and stay hydrated or some such and millions of cynics will be in the pub saying it’s a load of old bollocks and not washing their hands after they take a piss. They’ll die in their thousands, but those left will just say “Well I went down the pub and didn’t wash my hands and I didn’t die, load of old bollocks” and it’s continue to wipe them out.

    *this post is sent with a lighthearted intent.

    Full Member

    Ah, the world is over-populated and most of the people I care about are young, fit and healthy, and I think more importantly, not overly cynical.

    The Spanish Flu epidemic affected the young and fit disproportionately.

    Free Member

    Cynicism can kill, there will be a big push to remind me to take basic hygiene precautions, avoid crowed areas and stay hydrated or some such and millions of cynics will be in the pub saying it’s a load of old bollocks and not washing their hands after they take a piss. They’ll die in their thousands, but those left will just say “Well I went down the pub and didn’t wash my hands and I didn’t die, load of old bollocks” and it’s continue to wipe them out.

    I was in Hong Kong in 2010, 7 years after the SARS outbreak. Even then you were constantly reminded to maintain good hand hygiene and public escalator handrails were routinely disinfected through the day.

    This country would be screwed, we’re a nation of filthy animals.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    How many will die in industrial accidents during the rush to build it though? Not that they would ever admit it or you could ever find out!

    Full Member

    How long will it stay up for too? Chins hospital saves 100’s from virus who then die in building collapse

    Free Member

    Probably longer than new build British houses. 😀

    Free Member

    Hospital, or plague pit?

    Free Member

    Hospital think big tent, with lots of beds and staff,people to do the basic nursing bit, not a multi funcion hospital like other places have, that have taken years to build badly, glasgow hospitals, and Liverpool hospital amongst a few

    Free Member


    Hospital think big tent, with lots of beds and staff,people to do the basic nursing bit, not a multi funcion hospital like other places have’

    Makes sense. Like a M.A.S.H., I think

    Free Member

    Meanwhile in UK

    Free Member

    As posts ^^^ not a hospital as we know it but an emergency facility which will be available quickly and fit for purpose.

    Full Member

    Since air pollution killed more than a thousand people in Liverpool alone last year the possibility of the odd one or two extra in the UK from what is essentially a bad cold doesn’t particularly bother me.

    Free Member

    Its one thing having hospital – but you need staff to turn up to work in them.

    Given China’s recent history, I wouldn’t be surprised if they fill it full of sick people and brick up the door.

    Free Member

    Cant be done – you cant build a hospital in ten days no matter how much money or men you throw at it.

    If its prefabricated it could be assembled in ten days possibly, but it will still have taken months in the factory to put together.

    This is just pro-China clickbait.

    Full Member

    Yep throwing up temporary structures is different to building a permanent structure. That fact that concrete foundations need ideally 7days to cure before loading up should give that away, you can speed the process up, but not by much, and the design strength will still be a week or so behind that (28days is standard practice though most concrete from quality plants will hit this quicker).

    Still sounds good and anything to show Boris that we should be building a £350M hospital a week is all good as far as I’m concerned 🙂 by the end of February we should have 4 new sparkly hospitals to cope with any viruses…

    Free Member

    Cant be done – you cant build a hospital in ten days no matter how much money or men you throw at it.

    If its prefabricated it could be assembled in ten days possibly, but it will still have taken months in the factory to put together.

    This is just pro-China clickbait.

    Mate, you have no idea of how bonkers China is – a family member of mine has witnessed them bore through a mountain and then lay a bridge and track for high speed rail across a valley in less than a week.

    They’re operating with late 1800s American Midwest tenacity with modern equipment and methods.

    Full Member

    twisted pencil
    That fact that concrete foundations need ideally 7days to cure before loading up should give that away, you can speed the process up, but not by much, and the design strength will still be a week or so behind that (28days is standard practice though most concrete from quality plants will hit this quicker).

    I’m pretty sure they are aware of that and will be mixing their concrete accordingly and building on it accordingly.

    Free Member


    *scurries off to get crossbow and 10kg bag of rice*

    Free Member

    for context, seasonal flu has an R0 of around 1.0

    Full Member

    Do bulldozers not exist in China?

    Free Member

    I think most western nations would get a 1000 bed temporary hospital up in a week…after 3 years of going through planning permission and Nimby protests.

    Full Member

    I think most western nations would get a 1000 bed temporary hospital up in a week…after 3 years of going through planning permission and Nimby protests.

    Looking at the current data and modelling, I think we are going to be testing that hypothesis fairly soon.

    I remember covering the start of SARS a couple of decades ago, and telling my news editor that a few people dying in HK was going to be a massive global story within days or weeks. This feels much, much more serious.

    Free Member

    Looking at the current data and modelling, I think we are going to be testing that hypothesis fairly soon.

    It’s insane when you contextualize the area currently ‘locked down’. They’ve done the equivalent of banning the population of the UK south of Liverpool* from driving and stopped public transport.

    *guesstimate, it’s over half the population of the UK.

    Free Member

    It’s a prefabricated structure; very similar to the one built in Beijing to deal with Sars.
    That one served it’s purpose and was allowed to crumble away.

    Free Member

    Speech by Bill Gates in 2018, just a bit late but did he call this one?


    Following this through work, insurance purposes. Pretty sure they have locked down over 40million people from travel, although according to some sources over 5 million people managed to get out of Wuhan before the lockdowns came into affect. With an incubation period of up to 10 days, China were too slow reacting to this. Its going to get a lot worse.

    Full Member

    It’s insane when you contextualize the area currently ‘locked down’. They’ve done the equivalent of banning the population of the UK south of Liverpool* from driving and stopped public transport.

    And there are cases popping up in several major Chinese cities, with not only a long ‘incubation’ but the strong likelihood of asymptomatic transmission, which is a nightmare for the authorities, there, and in every other country.

    Full Member

    Speech by Bill Gates in 2018, just a bit late but did he call this one?

    No, it’s been talked about for generations. Spanish Flu.

    Full Member

    Yep – the Chinese can chuck it up pretty quick to be fair.

    …especially when they’re trying to show they have it under control, having deliberately ignored and downplayed up to a month of reports of said various circulating…

    Full Member

    Is this the actual Zombie Apocalypse? 🙂

    Free Member

    mixing their concrete accordingly

    Is wrightyson busy advsing them???????????

    Full Member

    I was wondering where the Coronavirus thread was.

    It does look like its potentially quite serious. An R0 of about 4 and a 10 day incubation period where you are contagious but have no symptoms makes for a pretty bad combination.

    Free Member

    Its been downgraded to around an R0 of 2.8. Still serious though, gladly no where near measles levels which is around an R0 of 12-18!

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