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  • British IS female wants to come back to UK…
  • unfitgeezer
    Free Member

    In the news…

    Sounds like an awful life she’s had – clearly brainwashed.

    British IS schoolgirl ‘wants to return home’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-47229181

    So should she be allowed back ?

    Free Member

    I think it’s better she wasn’t, from a pragmatic standpoint she needs to be reintegrated into a society that doesn’t need to lock her up and throw away the key due to the fact that she may pose a risk to the public.

    An asylum agreement should be made with Saudi Arabia or Pakistan. I’m sure the Saudis would do it for a few extra air to air missiles thrown in with whatever deal BAE has errr…made…by the end of this year.

    She won’t fit in here, she will be a target for right wing attacks and she herself potentially poses a threat.

    Full Member

    She’s still british, as far as I’m concerned she has the inalienable right to return, this is her country. But it’s not her home, it’s not like she’s renouncing ISIS and saying it was all terrible, so like rayban says it’ll be far from good for her to be here.

    Full Member

    Saudi Arabia or Pakistan.

    What is her link to those countries? Why does her brain washing not make her a risk there just as much as back here?

    Free Member

    No. Leave her where she is. She hasn’t exactly shown any remorse, only reason she wants back is to raise her child.

    Free Member

    So should she be allowed back ?


    Free Member

    Like Northwind said she’s British and inalienable, this is her home, where she grew up and was radicalised. Would we be saying the same if it was a white male who joined the IRA? Maybe it’s our duty to be more understanding and accepting so that people can assimilate and don’t follow the same path. I don’t think she posess a threat, but her own security will be at risk

    Free Member

    Im afraid theres no sympathy here from me.. yes you were youngish at the time but youve aligned yourself with one of the most depraved and perverted movements in modern times.

    If you had your blinkers on throughout isils campaign i can see how you mighg think she had a case.

    The reality is she was an avid supporter of their actions. She should be jailed for the rest of her life imo.

    Free Member

    She can do as she wish so let her back after all Western Democracy is about freedom, humanitarian etc … it is also her “home”.

    What can she do if she is back? Start a war? Get an AK47? Create more sleeper cells?

    As long as Western Democracy does not dictate on other nations she can come “home” (her mind might not be here but that is her problem …).

    Free Member

    She doesnt duck justice because she is woman.

    She was part of a group that comitted a genocide.

    This isnt about wether or not she poses a risk. Its about justice.

    Free Member

    She doesnt duck justice because she is woman.

    She was part of a group that comitted a genocide.

    This isnt about wether or not she poses a risk. Its about justice.

    No sympathy from me but just saying that Western Democracy must live up to what they preach.

    If justice is the rule of the land then so be it.

    Free Member

    I lack sympathy. Judging by what I read she does too. Let her back in but put her on trial.

    Free Member

    Yes should be allowed to return. If only for the reason that she’s Britain’s responsibility to deal with.

    I think the question is what we do with her when she does return. I fully support her being put on trial for anything that she’s done including being part of a terrorist organisation, or classed as an enemy combatant (if she actually was).

    I’d actually like to see a future whereby there is a war crimes court set up to deal with ISIS members – I don’t think we are going to get to a point anytime soon where we can send her to Assad’s lot for sentencing…. however appropriate I think that would be.

    Free Member


    She doesnt duck justice because she is woman.

    She was part of a group that comitted a genocide.

    This isnt about wether or not she poses a risk. Its about justice.

    What laws has she actually broken? Genuinely curious, it was outlawed to head over a fight for ISIS, I think that was on the basis that they are a proscribed group. I don’t actually think heading over to a war zone, marrying one of them and becoming a baby factory was actually outlawed or constitutes joining ISIS? It’s not illegal to marry a criminal(which is how the UK categorises terrorists)

    Not that I don’t think she’d need to be monitored and put in the system for reintegration, but I don’t actually see any legal basis for denying entry?

    Free Member

    Assad’s lot for sentencing…. however appropriate I think that would be.

    Aye, ye know how we inadvertently armed this lot and enabled them to take over a bit of your country, in a silly attempt to overthrow ye, bashir, me old mucker, you wouldn’t mind sorting out our bit of the problem would ye? :lol:

    Free Member

    Aiding and abetting for a start..

    Women werent just there for breeding either..

    Full Member

    Should be let back in of course. Face investigation, and the consequences of that.

    Full Member

    She doesn’t come across well.

    Full Member

    She is a British citizen, iirc international law states that she cannot be made stateless and therefore must return.

    IMO repatriate, de radicalise and show some compassion, demonstrate to everyone that we are better, have a better moral code, than isis. If nothing else it at least gives an example to those at risk of radicalisation who actually cares about their lives.

    Not that I have much hope of that actually happening in the current climate of hating foreigners. General attitudes and government policy is driving radicalisation and pretending to be shocked at the results.

    Full Member

    That’s not a baby IT’S A BOMB 😲Quick get down

    Free Member

    LOL @MSP

    bring her home for a nice cup of tea yeah??

    You need a good shake.

    Full Member

    “I’m not the same silly little 15-year-old schoolgirl who ran away from Bethnal Green four years ago,”

    She’s definitely coming across like she is. Just a normal life ay. I mean not a day goes by without me finding a head in a bin or the occasional bomb going off 🙄

    Full Member

    When this was MY country I would have wished her not to come back.
    Now it belongs to a handful of idiots I really can’t see that she will make this country any worse.

    Free Member

    Whether or not any of you/us “want” her to come back is immaterial. For the reasons already stated, she’ll be allowed back. It’ll be a miserable life though, at least initially. A target for right wing idiots, and constant surveillance for the rest of her life.

    I agree with what MSP said, if you want to hold the moral high ground, you have to accept the responsibility that comes with it.

    Full Member

    I’ve just listened to her interview on the radio. If she had expressed any regret perhaps I would be more sympathetic. She wants to come back so her “baby will be looked after”. Maybe she’s not planning to stay.
    On one hand you could argue she was an innocent manipulated child , one who had the intelligence to steal a passport,buy tickets , travel to turkey ,syria and liaise with people sympathetic to their cause & on the other hand She knew what she was doing.
    I think the government will have to bring her (and her two friends) back eventually, as MSP states. In a few years her dutch husband will be able to join them. Oh no maybe not , I forgot about brexit.

    Full Member

    Difficult she wants to come back to raise a child, just how she’ll do that remains unclear. She joined another “state” in her mind was she saying she was IS and no longer British by doing this?

    Free Member

    We’d be crazy to let her back. She’s relinquished her British citizenship, the fact she was born here isn’t enough. She doesn’t respect nations, her religion comes above and before any nationalistic sentiment. How come Allah won’t protect her baby now she’s given herself to the caliphate and killed infidels for Allah and Mohammed? She turned her back on the UK and our values when she left and shows no regret or remorse. What would we do with her if we did? How long would it be before she wanted her husband to join her? Then Her husbands family and so on. And if we display a precedent of letting these people back in then other defectors will want to come back. It’s easy to say “we’ll rehabilitate her, but we don’t know how to do that. We don’t know what her true intentions are, what crimes she’s committed. If she’s worried about her baby then she can hand over her baby for the family she abandoned to look after.

    We’d have to keep her on watch taking up valuable resources that should be deployed on spotting the next terrorist attack, so the consequences of letting her back in would be that someone else dies in an attack we miss. Who would you offer up as the sacrifice for some pointless sentimental exercise? A member of your family? A friend? A work colleague?

    Let her give herself up in whatever country she is at the moment.

    Full Member

    No, she shouldn’t be allowed back., let the bitch stay there & rot.

    Free Member

    de radicalise and show some compassion, 

    Is there any evidence de radicalising works on un willing subjects ? Compassion has to be tied with justice, she’s a British citizen so let her come back and try her for any crimes committed.

    Ming the Merciless
    Free Member

    Leave her to rot out there.

    Free Member

    My response to a few posters on here is that she has made herself an enemy of the state in the same way Assange and Skripal did. It’s better for all involved if she seeks political asylum like traitorous spooks used to.

    Free Member

    I believe there is recent precedent where British citizens who have deserted to isis have been excommunicated. I assume that applies here too.

    Free Member

    Sometimes, even when young, people make decisions that affect the rest of their life. This is one of those times.

    Free Member

    A 15 year old who ran away from home. Has had two children die. Seen horrors of war.

    Not even a sliver of compassion? Just straight to “**** that bitch”?

    Free Member

    Are people saying she shouldn’t be allowed back, the same kind of people that read their Daily Fail to find out the country of birth of muslamic immigrants to the UK? When a story breaks about Egyptian born Ali who is a benefit cheat and an IS supporter. Send him back to Egypt!!!! (And his family and anyone that has met him)

    Full Member

    She’s 19 now and only seems to want to return so she isn’t stuck in a Syrian refugee camp, I have zero sympathy for her but it’s a tough one as she’s about to have a kid and it’s certainly not fair on it.

    Full Member

    Let her back – she has family that I’m sure would love to see her, de-radicalise and see if there’s anything we can learn.

    Full Member

    What do we do with all our British military who fought an illegal war in Iraq then…? c500,000 deaths caused from the invasion of a country on a completely false pretext.

    She’s a British citizen and it’s illegal to make her stateless. Let her come back and if there are any charges – she should be tried as anyone else.

    Free Member

    She’s 19 now and only seems to want to return so she isn’t stuck in a Syrian refugee camp

    and wants to avoid watching her third child die.

    Free Member

    I pity her.. shes made a terrible decision in choosing to support that group and their actions.

    But again.. i think its easy to be a bit naieve when youre taking the high road.

    Her mates were routinely butchering people to death, setting them on fire, drowning them, blowing them up, dropping rocks on their heads, beheading young girls that refused to be enslaved, the list goes on and on and on.

    Shes been there for four years, from raqqa down the euphrates to where she is now. She is about that life make no mistake.

    Some people need to take their of their arses and take a look around.

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