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  • Brighton Big Dog
  • bigsi
    Free Member

    Luke. We’re up there this Saturday clearing some of the stuff & might make that in to a trail feature 😯 😈

    Free Member

    I couldn’t do the event last year but went the week after and the course markers were still up, nice loop, some fun techie rooty narrow bits, was pretty dry and very fast.

    Full Member

    Great! Another tree based obstacle for me to mince my way over 😉

    I’d be surprised if the rangers don’t cut it up and move it – it’s a fairly popular path with walkers and it’s comprehensively blocked at the mo.

    Full Member

    That tree is massive, here it is from the other side (if this links) when I found it on Saturday

    Bigsi: It would be wonderful if you were clearing that twisty section to the left on the road hill if you turn left after the houses/tea room etc. There are about 3 bits where it was blocked. Was my first time up there since the BBD last year, slippy on west side but the east side mostly ok, cant wait to get back there when its dry again 🙂

    Full Member

    that’s the one – just after that steep little drop if you’re coming down into the valley from the Upper Lodges end?

    I meant to get a pic from that side but after climbing and carrying over it I just wanted to get on with riding 🙂

    Full Member

    Checked it out for the first time last Sunday and it looks like it’s going to be great – if it’s dry it’ll be pure fun, wet a bit more of a slog but still worth it. Really twisty tight bits of singletrack and a few technical bumps just to make it interesting. If anyone on the crew wants to make that fallen tree into a tabletop, go right ahead…

    We’ve got a spare place on a team – two SHoreham lads, one whippet thin and fast rigid 29″ type (not me) and one grumbling shit hill climber (me) if anyone’s interested – locals in particular.

    It’s my first ever event, so I’m already nervous…

    Full Member

    Thats the one wwaswas. Other than the ones I mentioned above, I only found one other fallen tree blockage which I can point you to if you want bigsi, not sure if I should do a direct link on here to the trail or not

    Free Member

    It’s my first ever event, so I’m already nervous…

    I’m sure you’ll be fine, I only get nervous when I want to get a position [blatently not going to]. Always nerves on a start line and in the initial crowds but it won’t be long until someone is yabbering in your ear and the nerves will go and you’ll remember you’re doing something you enjoy.

    Had a few trees down on my local routes but that’s a beast.

    Free Member

    Really looking forward to this event!

    Any 4hr enduro’s around that I can look at? Ideally around South Wales.

    Actually, where’s the best place to find Enduro’s in general?

    Full Member

    have a look on xcracer.com – most events get listed on there.

    Free Member

    XC Racer Have a gander here, fair few events in your area.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Just found this thread. Have booked into the pairs with a local mate of mine who’s marshalled there a couple of times. Very excited and slightly nervous at the same time as not raced since 1993!

    Free Member

    Did a few laps last year and some idiot rode into the back of me as I was moving over to let him past. I came off the bike when the rear wheel physically popped out the frame and bent the rotor such that the wheel no longer went into the frame.

    And he didn’t stop.

    Thanks a bunch. Cost me £30 in repairs, seriously who doesn’t stop after a crash? I’ve got it on video if anyone fancies identifying him lol

    Full Member

    Stick it You tube .
    It wuzzant me 4 shure , i never overtake anybody
    Not sure about this year , legging it to the BBB via Shoreham airshow traffic was RRRRRRRRRRRubbbishhhh

    Full Member

    Bigsi: It would be wonderful if you were clearing that twisty section to the left on the road hill if you turn left after the houses/tea room etc. There are about 3 bits where it was blocked.

    A few of us fixed those and made a nice little feature whilst bigsi was invoking a knee related excuse a couple of weekends back! 😉

    Full Member

    Brilliant thanks! Hope to get back there as soon as my leg stops being ruined

    Free Member

    What’s it like at the moment? Is it drying out? Quite fancy a spin up there in a couple of weeks

    Free Member

    How are the trails looking now? Looking at riding there on the weekend of the 17th if possible. Are the trails all easy enough to find?

    Full Member

    The less well known trails are running well with some greasy sideways moments. Big Dog trails are suffering after the winter’s traffic, really need some organised maintenance. Rain due this weekend…

    Free Member

    Taff you won’t find the trails unless accompanied try the Sussex Mtb site to see if any rides are happening when your about

    Full Member

    I don’t mean “organised maintenance” as in someone else should do it, just that the only way I can see the Big Dog trails riding well through the winter is by moving literally tons of chalky topsoil from the steep slopes onto the main runs through the flatter more clayey/leafy parts of the wood. If you skip those muddy rutted trails and visit after a dry spell you’ll have a good ride.

    Free Member

    I agree, the muddier Big Dog trails are pretty knackered in places after heavy use this winter, getting wider and rutted. Join a ride with SussexMTB or Brighton MTB to find the lesser used local trails (which are better than the Big Dog ones for the most part).

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