• This topic has 17,667 replies, 680 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by BillMC.
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  • Boris Johnson!
  • MoreCashThanDash
    Full Member

    A pack of lies, sold by cynics to thickos.

    That needs to go on a t-shirt 👍

    Full Member

    That needs to go on a t-shirt 👍

    or a bus ?

    Free Member

    Just watched that Hannah Miller interview on the tablet whilst simultaneously watching a HIGNFY re-run on the TV where Andrew Marr was interviewing Boris. The contrast was astounding. There’s a technique to interviewing a turd like Johnston, she has it Marr doesn’t.

    She tripped him up before he ever got a chance to get going, really sharp, curt and a little dismissive. A bit like Brian Walden back in the day.

    Full Member

    I suspect the big name interviewers are the very ones least able to interrogate the likes of Johnson.

    They’ve been around politicians way too much, it becomes a dance. One that Johnson is all too willing to play.

    For the small fry unknown to be allowed to let rip at a PM , particularly this PM, must also be like a lottery win. Where as Johnson stands to gain very little but lose a lot.

    Just as politics and politicians have changed, it’s possibly time to change how the media hold them accountable. The undermining of the BBC by government makes this even more necessary.

    Full Member

    I suppose the only negative of Hannah Miller’s approach is that it 100% felt like she was setting traps for Johnston, which tends to look a bit cynical/biased and generates sympathy when he inevitably falls into them. It’s a totally valid tactic imo but it doesn’t sit well with some people, they just see it as good old Boris being tricked and set up by a nasty journalist. The best traps are the ones the audience can’t see either.

    The absolute best killer interviews are the ones like Jonathan Swan’s Trump interview, where it’s the interviewee destroying themselves while the interviewee just sits back and watches.

    Full Member

    Boris Johnson said he would “encourage people to go out to the cinema, enjoy themselves and support” movie theatres.

    Quote from the BBC website, words fail me 🤔

    Full Member

    Quote from the BBC website, words fail me

    Well it worked so well in August why not get people out and about again?
    It was good to see him doing another photo op today. He seems to be copying Trump by being in permanent campaign mode.

    Full Member

    I’m sure we can imminently look forward to another catchy slogan

    Full Member

    Maybe retain a sense of caution and go for:

    Watch out whilst watching out.

    Free Member

    Sit in the dark and be kept in the dark.

    Free Member

    I’m sure we can imminently look forward to another catchy slogan

    “Ignorance is strength”

    Full Member

    “Turn on, tune in and cop out”?

    Free Member

    **** granny save bond.

    Full Member

    This could honestly be a good time to bring back drive-in cinemas. Car parks in towns are not that full now that people are not commuting and, it you want to show more than one film, you could take over a multistory.

    Car park by day, cinema by night. I am a genius

    Free Member

    i like the idea of the multistory carparks as Cinema, the screen would only be slightly smaller than the average home flatscreen.

    Free Member

    “Strength Through Joy”?

    Full Member

    Full Member

    This could honestly be a good time to bring back drive-in cinemas.

    What, October? Barely works outdoors in this country even in summer. Multistoreys aren’t much good as the roof’s too low.

    Exhibition centres could work great though and they’re mostly empty. Hmm.

    Free Member

    Not much point in drive through cinemas. Just get Odeon or whoever to rent streaming capacity from Netflix and popcorn/sweets/drinks delivery from Deliveroo – sorted.

    Full Member

    Three word slogan?
    Arbeit macht frei.
    Apologies for very bad taste.

    Free Member

    Triumph of the will

    Full Member

    Appropriate 3 word slogan?

    “What the ****”

    Free Member

    Appropriate three word slogan?

    “Over To You”

    As Boris, Cummings, Gove and their mates sail off into the sunset with the loot.

    Free Member

    Going. Going. Gone!

    Down. The. Swanee.

    Suck. It. Up

    You. Wanted. It

    Three. Months. Left

    Rinse. And. Repeat

    Full Member






    Full Member






    Too Many Rows

    Full Member

    God knows what would have happened if they’d tried to print it out.

    Free Member

    Not much point in drive through cinemas. Just get Odeon or whoever to rent streaming capacity from Netflix and popcorn/sweets/drinks delivery from Deliveroo – sorted.

    “Going to the cinema” is a thing, basically the whole reason that people do it even now with awesome home cinemas etc. I like watching films, but I prefer going to the cinema. And there’s just no substitute for a massive screen especially with Imax.

    Full Member

    More soundbite politics…

    Green energy you say?
    Sounds good so we’ll have some of that.
    The proposed investment won’t go far and is narrowly focussed…

    pledge £160m to upgrade ports and factories for building turbines

    Enough wind generated electricity to power every home in the UK by 2030? Ooh, yes – that will go down well with the little people.
    johnson targets an increase in offshore wind capacity of 33% in the next 9 years; has any of that been discussed with the sector – turbine manufacturers, offshore construction specialists, generators, cable laying ship owners, onshore civils contractors?
    He clearly has no idea of how long it takes for an offshore wind farm to move from concept to full operational performance.
    Most are JVs which take time to set up; then you have the legals – DNOs, easements with local land owners for the onshore works.
    The capacity does not exist to deliver that size of increase in a short time frame.
    What is being done to increase capacity outside the tight scope of the proposed investment?

    In summary, I’ll believe it when I see it.

    Full Member

    Enough wind generated electricity to power every home in the UK by 2030?

    Boris is a big believer in generating useless wind, it’s a logical step in his head 🙄

    Full Member

    He’s good a recycling…



    Free Member

    Almost certainly must be my imagination but my imagination seems to recall green energy subsides and the like being stabbed in the face by the Torys.

    No, wait. Here you go: Linky

    Plus, I seem to recall that loads of wind/tide/wave power companies (start up and established) going to the wall and/or being bought up by furen, non blue passport holding people, too.

    Probably just my imagination, tho.

    Full Member

    More soundbite politics…

    That was exactly what I thought when I heard it. A policy announced to loud fanfare, which will then be taken into a back room and quietly smothered.

    I’d put my house on not a single extra offshore wind turbine ever seeing the light of day.

    Shall we have a count on how many times in his speech he’ll say ‘Build Back Better’?

    I’m going for triple figures

    Full Member

    Just a reminder of events to date:


    Full Member

    Dear god, this is awful!

    Boris’s schtick really doesn’t work at all without his gaggle of sycophants to laugh at his terrible jokes and coo over his latin phrases.

    And he’s such a one trick pony, he can’t do anything else, so he ploughs on regardless as it all falls flat

    Build Back Better
    Care for Carers
    Build Back Better
    Cosmic Spanners*

    * I’ve not made that up. He just said Cosmic Spanner

    Full Member

    He’s promising the earth in this speech… but with a little bit of small print… he’s claimed that “free enterprise” will deliver it all, not the government. Business keep telling him what they need to grow… he hampers them with every decision he makes… and he’s going to turn around and point to them to grow us out of our situation. Growth in the next four years will have to come largely from the state… because of the choices he has made, and encouraged voters to support.

    Full Member

    “invest £160 million in ports and factories” … doesn’t that sound like a big announcement for port towns and cities, and “green development”…? Chicken feed.

    Oh god… he stuck to the dead cat “rice pudding” quote… recycling his favourite sound bites… now used to argue both for and against wind generation. Perfect Johnson multi-purpose bullshit.

    Now he’s using the response to the pandemic to persuade us of the magic of competition and sales to save us. Good god. Anti-state, low tax rant now in full effect. Such an ‘interesting’ spin on what this year has taught us about the role of the state.

    Full Member

    So, to summarise:

    In the upcoming recession/depression, you’re all on your own.

    ‘The Market’ will sort it

    Fingers crossed that some large companies who make wind turbines will inexplicably decide to invest a lot of money in the post-Brexit UK/Banana Republic. i don’t know why they would, but hey… not my problem

    Hang on a minute… here comes the Brexiteer culture war stuff…

    Land of Hope and Glory and all that

    God, this really is beyond awful.

    Full Member

    “Britannia rules the wave”
    “Global Britain”
    “control over our fisheries”
    “welcoming scientists and artists” – lol

    Full Member

    He’s just drunkenly rambling now…


    Full Member

    The “rice pudding” thing is Classic Boris. Because that’s not even a thing most people would say- it’s a pretty oldfashioned term anyway and not a good metaphor either. So the person who he’s referring to, is himself.

    Free Member

    Almost certainly must be my imagination but my imagination seems to recall green energy subsides and the like being stabbed in the face by the Torys.

    While yes, in all fairness today’s Tory party is not 2012 or 2015’s Tory party. It’s not coincidental that this is the third different Tory government in a row that’s shat on environmental policy but it’s not the same people doing it. Same shit, different shits.

    Full Member

    Marks out of ten…zero; I wouldn’t even give half a mark for him turning up.
    Clarity – none.
    Logic – none.
    Presentational style – none.
    Factual content – none.
    Relevance to electorate today – none.

    As for floating windmills – give me strength; Don Quixote rules the waves.

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