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  • Big increase in military flights
  • ElShalimo
    Full Member

    @thelawman – yep. they’ve just gone past!  I’m sure they’ll be back in 30 minutes after they’ve got the sticky toffee pudding


    Free Member

    Ah rubbish, I lived near Newark as a kid and grew up seeing Lightning’s, Canberra’s and wotnot flying over from Waddo, I now live in South Wales, the best I get now is an A400 or some transporter passing over from Bruxe Norten

    Free Member

    I wonder what they’re up to? It looks like they’ve done a sortie to get some Cartmel sticky toffee pudding

    Was up at otter tarn and they came round at a rate of knots, nearly missed a fish because of the buggers

    Full Member

    Sonic boom being reported across the South/East Mids on Twitter

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    Apparently right over my head and nothing to report.

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    B-52’s are back; heading over North Devon towards Cardiff:


    Free Member

    Aerial ballet over Poland as the Buffs close in for a top-up.


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    AM400 been doing loops around Tyneside for the past two hours, now leaving.

    Couple of miles south, police plane also been circling some small towns for two hours.

    Free Member

    The Lancaster up and out over the Netherlands?

    Full Member

    The Lancaster up and out over the Netherlands?

    I would assume its to do with Operation Manna.
    Food drop at the end of the war to the starving civilians.

    Full Member

    Ooh that reminds me. We were riding around Derwent Reservoir yesterday. A transport and a Chinook flew over very low followed shortly afterwards by another transport. So far so normal. A little while later between laps of the upper reservoir we were sat on the huge bench below Derwent dam and heard another Chinook approaching. It skimmed over the top of the dam with what appeared to be a cigarette paper to spare.

    A small thing really but great to witness.

    Free Member

    4 helicopters just gone overhead. Looks like they’re from Condor near Arbroath. Maybe something to do with the coronation



    Free Member

    Coronation flypast starting to gather off Norfolk coast

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    Typhoons are leaving Coningsby, 8 so far

    Full Member

    👍, looks good.

    Full Member

    Yep looks like it’s getting busy on the east coast. 8 typhoons just took off from Coningsby. 3 Hercs, a globemaster and KC3 doing laps over the Norfolk coast.

    Full Member

    And then the flypast itself was a right damp squib. :-(

    Full Member

    Coronation flypast 1953, 600 aircraft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOD3gmcVQlI

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    Full Member
    And then the flypast itself was a right damp squib. 🙁

    Thats putting it mildly it was pretty shit.

    Free Member

    There are some shenanigans going on with aircraft trying to land at a very gusty Funchal airport in Madeira.

    BA has two missed approaches so far and is weighing up its options


    Live YT feed with ATC here

    I know the pilots train for this stuff constantly, but the passengers must be having kittens!

    Heart in the mouth stuff!

    Full Member

    3 Chinooks just went overhead in West Yorkshire

    All I can see on the web is this Dutch military flight.


    Full Member

    Reminder for tomorrow, Lancaster over Hendon and Lincolnshire as 80th memorial flight of Dambusters raid.

    Times for Lancaster flypast over Lincolnshire RAF bases on Dambusters Raid anniversary

    Free Member

    6 A10’s just touched down at PIK, I missed them because I’m at home, boo!

    Full Member

    It’s a bit quieter at the minute now that the Dutch have gone home, a few videos of them on YouTube if you search Tac Blaze or Chinooks at Carlisle Airport. This is my favourite, those are public roads that I’ve ridden on in the bottom of the shot:

    Full Member

    Does anyone know why a Chinook was hovering over West London (Heathrow/Northolt corridor) this afternoon? My daughter asked, as her neighbours came out to watch. It wasn’t showing on any of my apps.

    Free Member

    There seem to be a bunch of Apache type helicopters and associate military vehicles temporarily based at Balado Airfield just outside Milnathort recently. Tonight there were a bunch of long-lens types pulled up along the A91 photographing them. Russians?

    Free Member

    Lots of exercises at the moment. The B1s, B2s and I think U2s are back in the UK flying from Fairford.

    Free Member

    Actually I’ve given misinformation, it’s just B1s at the moment. Not the B2 or U2

    Full Member

    The U2s are at Fairford also, fly out most weekdays all year round.

    Great to hear the house rattle to the B1s going up at 9.30pm last night too! Love having them back at Fairford.

    Free Member

    Is there any pattern to their flight times? Would love to see them take off/lane but presume it’s just a waiting game?

    Full Member

    If you are on Facebook, the Fairford Spotters Facebook page is great for timings. A lot of knowledgeable people on there.

    Two B1s are currently out from last night on a 23 hour mission I believe. I think their activity should ramp up next week as there is a big NATO exercise.

    The U2 usually goes up between 7-9am and returns 4-7pm each weekday. That’s pretty ace to watch how quickly it climbs out of sight on take off.

    Full Member

    On Wednesday 14th there’s a 3-up Hercules flypast to mark the retirement of the aircraft at the end of the month (being replaced by the A400 Atlas).

    Details and times here:

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    Never seen one of those. They never did the uk airshows when I was a 80s kid (too new??).

    Free Member

    C130J Flypast today. 3 ship covering quite a few RAF bases in the UK

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    This Saturday is the King’s Birthday Flypast which seems to be more or less what the Coronation Flypast should have been but for the bad weather.


    Full Member

    An Apache flow over our house yesterday and I tracked it, assuming it had taken off from Leuchars (several miles away) but it hadn’t… it appeared to have taken off from Balado Park Airstrip – just over the M90 from Kinross.  It did a few loops over Fife and then, sure enough, returned to land at the same airfield.


    Didn’t know that the Army Air Corps used civilian air fields, but makes sense for them to play at them!

    Full Member

    Live mass take off of Typhoons at Coningsby

    Full Member

    Now showing on flight tracker


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