Serious question, I see you love to give your kids bikes and they seem to love them.
What if they say one day when they’re 5 “daddy, I don’t like going on my bike with you” would you stop? Or would you keep buying the next Isla bike up and ignore your child’s request so you can keep your hobby while you have no babysitter?
I wonder the same re riding (and football, rugby, drawing/colouring and generally anything else I’ve been into over the years).
Chimp is 3 yrs old and has been riding his HotWalk for over a year (parks, farmland, woods, BMX/skate parks etc) and he loves it. He also digs coming out in his Croozer (trailer).
If he chooses to stop one day then so be it. Either way, I’d like him to have a real zest for sport and outdoor life. Similar to flatboy, I can trace my cycling routes back to WW1 so I’m hoping it’s in the genes!