Home Forums Bike Forum Best 853 Clean, Smooth, 160mm Taking Hardtail Frame?

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  • Best 853 Clean, Smooth, 160mm Taking Hardtail Frame?
  • rs
    Free Member

    Seems like Alexxx doesn't like the shape of the Alpine, which is fair enough.

    Is that not a banning offence 😀

    Full Member

    A hardtail with 160mm forks, yesterday.

    Full Member

    Transition TransAM looks good, comes with SS and Geared dropouts can take a 160mm travel fork only downside is that it isn't 853.

    Free Member

    mike-at-dialledbikes – Member
    Hora you bellend you sell every frame too quickly!

    Finally….I may be breaking this duck with the advent of a more important "item" to buy for/focus on. 😀

    Full Member

    Best 853 Clean, Smooth, 160mm Taking Hardtail Frame?

    Um, is that sentence taken from the BFe product page on the Cotic website?

    hora – Member

    Finally….I may be breaking this duck with the advent of a more important "item" to buy for/focus on.

    Is your Mrs preggars?

    Free Member

    without wishing to offend anyone… I honestly think a hardtail with a 160mm fork on the front is a stupid idea. totally unbalanced and your head angle is varying wildly depending on the fork compression. If you need that much travel then get a freeride or DH bike. I really don't see the point in going over 120mm on the front of a hardtail (less if you want to spend more time jumping). if you're riding beyond the limits of a properly-set-up 120mm fork, then you're almost certainly riding well beyond the limits of a hardtail.

    No offence taken, but the hundreds of people who ride and enjoy them would disagree with you.

    Free Member

    Not that it really matters but surely a full suss goes through bigger swings in head angle as the suspension compresses at the rear it slackens the head angle more than on a hardtail. You'll be surprised what you can do on one of these hardtails I've pushed boundaries i never did on my 06 enduro, although that's more to do with growing some balls than the bike.

    Free Member

    furry_marmot you should try a 160mm HT, I wouldn't recommend trying one on a smooth simple trail but show them something a bit more challenging and it makes sense and is a lot of fun.

    Go on try it you might like it 🙂

    Free Member

    Hi Mike. Yes. Hopefully a boy. If its a girl —————————->

    I rode my chameleon with 160mm travel forks down Walna Scar. Felt great but they do need to be windable travel forks otherwise you cant pedal up even the slightest gradient!

    Free Member

    without wishing to offend anyone… I honestly think riding bikes around the woods all night with your mates in the mud /rain / dark is a stupid idea. Its a good stupid idea though.

    Free Member

    How did you ensure you bent it back straight PP? just wondering as I worked out why I couldn't get the full range of gears on my Alpine yesterday. 😳

    Free Member

    Not that it really matters but surely a full suss goes through bigger swings in head angle as the suspension compresses at the rear it slackens the head angle more than on a hardtail

    Full suss: Fork compresses, steepens HA and rear-shock compresses, slackens HA

    Hardtail: Only the fork compresses, steepens HA

    Situation is more balanced on a full suss when squatting on turns etc.

    Free Member

    riding well beyond the limits of a hardtail

    Yes… that's sort of the point.

    Free Member

    Well I've just spent the week ragging my 160mm Lyric equipped Bfe round the Les Arcs trails and it's been absofookinlutely AWESOME. I can't quite stick with the guides on their 7" full susses on the mega fast straight bits, but in the technical sections it is revelationary how easy it is to ride. Short light back end that is easy to flick around and big forks for absorbing the hits. Sure there's been a few bits that I've had to grit my teeth and hang on for, but overall it's just awesome. I've got my Turner out here, but frankly I can't be arsed to drag it around.

    (with some frankly shite zocchis on)

    …and being ridden…

    Maybe they "don't make sense", but they sure as hell are fun, and I think my Bfe fits the clean image as well as any geared bike covered in cables and hoses can.

    Full Member

    That Bfe looks lovely…..

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