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  • Avid Juicy brake help! Please help
  • pmoran79
    Free Member

    Got some new pads today and for the life of me I can’t get them in.

    Noticed the pistons don’t seem to go back in enough to get the pads in. They are about 18 months old and never been bled or serviced. Would a bleed help you think?

    Cheers for any help

    Free Member

    They are about 18 months old and never been bled or serviced. Would a bleed help you think?

    Probably as the brake fluid absorbs moisture overtime. However, before bleeding, just try getting a suitable big screwdriver or tyre levers in the caliper and lever the pistons back…I normally find this is enough.

    Also, when I make the pad and spring sandwich I tend to put one pad into the spring correctly but the other pad about half out so the first pad will slot into the correct position prior to the second pad which gives a bit more room to get the second in. Clear as mud I’m sure. 😀

    Full Member

    Try opening the bleed screw at the lever then slowly pushing the pistons in. If the fluid has absorbed moisture this will relieve the pressure in the system. Be careful though, you don’t want to get air in.

    Free Member

    You may have too much fluid in them to get the pistons right back – try opening the bleed valve then pushing the pistons back

    Free Member

    Thanks but Tried that, just would not budge!

    Is bleeding something I can do myself?


    Free Member

    if theyve got the pad travel adjuster like my juicy sevens you have to wind the pads all the way back in towards the caliper

    Free Member

    The calipers self adjust as the pads wear, so when you put new ones in you will need to push the pistons back out. Best done with the old pads in to avoid damaging em. Use a big flat screwdriver – quite a bit of force might be required.

    Free Member

    Tried the screwdriver thing not the bleed valve, if it doesn’t work WILL have to bleed fully won’t I?

    Free Member

    Tried the screwdriver thing not the bleed valve, if it doesn’t work WILL have to bleed fully won’t I?

    Do what clubby and TJ suggest before bleeding. Do it at the lever end preferably with the levers horizontal and just loosen the bleed screw (no need to take it fully out). Make sure you wash off any DOT fluid that escapes as well.

    Kit is expensive.

    Free Member

    Without pads in the calliper spray some gt85 or wd40 on the pistons – not alot is needed. Then put the old pads back in. Give the lever a gentle partila squeeze to square up the pistons. Then with a large flat bladed screw driver ease the pistons back.

    DOT fluid does absorb water but old when expossed to it. It doesn’t suck it into a sealed system!! If it did, my car wouldn’t move.

    You’ll need a kit to bleed them. But you shouldn’t need to. Try a bit of finese and patience

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