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  • Anyone using MyWhoosh?
  • Mowgli
    Free Member

    I’d not heard of this until the recent discussion about Zwift’s price increase. I’d used Zwift occasionally through the winter, but the pricing always put me off, along with the terrible interface and problems with the bluetooth connection dropping out. First look, Whoosh seems ok, perhaps a bit less pretty than Zwift, but setup was fairly painless. Would be interested to hear from anyone else who’s used it for a while. Would also be interested to hear any thoughts on the funding/sportswashing issues…

    Free Member

    Started using MyWhoosh after Zwifts price increaae. I thought the user interface was nicer than Zwift’s myself.

    I only use it in summer for rwally bad weather rides, or winter indoor rides. On Zwift i didnt use the races, training plans, group rides, challenges etc.

    MyWhoosh less crashy in my opinion too.

    Full Member

    A timely thread bump.

    As we’re approaching Autumn, any early adopters care to offer their thoughts on their MyWhooshing experiences as a Zwift alternative? Ta.

    Full Member

    I’ll be using mywhoosh this autumn. I had a brief go on it earlier in the year and it seemed good. Not had much time to use it since.

    Free Member

    I started using MyWhoosh when Zwift increased their prices and initially I was impressed, overtime time I’ve noticed MyWhoosh is very glitchy and there are some very frustrating issues appearing and need to be addressed.

    I’ve just downloaded the recent update and haven’t had a ho yet but hopefully it’ll solve the latest issues:

    Not picking up smart trainer and heart rate sensor.

    Crashing randomly during a ride which then restarts Apple TV.

    Not able to select items on the main page, to work around this I clicked elsewhere and then go back which seems to solve it.

    Got to be honest I think Zwift is better overall!

    Free Member

    I’ve got it, not used it that much much impressed for a free app. Everything seems to work and had better integration with heart rate on Apple Watch etc.

    Full Member

    Watching with interest

    Full Member

    On Zwift i didnt use the races, training plans, group rides, challenges etc

    Same here – just wanted a way to control the smart trainer to vary resistance and MyWhoosh didn’t play nicely with the kit or my laptop so I ended up with TrainerDay


    No fancy graphics but no need for anything more than your phone. The free option is limited to 20 preset workouts but you can chop and change between them and vary the intensity, so with a bit of fiddling you can put together whatever you want, and compared to Zwift it has been ridiculously quick to get started pedalling. The paid option isn’t that much either and payment can be stopped and started as needed.

    Free Member

    Only used it a few times to ride a solo hour or so. They have lots of routes without the silly Zwift bits.

    It’s not as smooth graphically as Zwift, but isn’t something that bothers me because it’s more than adequate.

    I raced regularly on Zwift which I really enjoyed, but not yet tried the races on MyWhoosh.

    Full Member

    I tried IndieVelo for a while and it was like a quieter Zwift, but the pace of development has been phenomenal since then. I imagine it’s all to do with starting from a new code based. Might be worth looking at too.

    Full Member

    I’ve been using Indievelo.  It’s currently in Beta so it’s free to use.  I really like it.  The developer George Gilbert rolls out new features almost every two weeks and he’s already implemented a lot of nice features the Zwift community have being crying out for.  I’ve suspended my Zwift account but at the moment I can’t see myself going back as Indievelo gives me what I need.

    Free Member

    Whats the attraction of riding in a virtual world though?

    Rouvy offers similar experiences but on ‘real’ roads, but for some reason doesnt appear to attract people.

    Full Member

    I’m up to level 9 on MyWhoosh. Seems to work just fine, but I haven’t done any races. It does feel like a more solitary experience compared to Zwift & in some ways I miss the sense of riding with other people. Unless I am missing something you aren’t told who is riding around you., but I’m not prepared to pay £17.99 a month just for that.

    Full Member

    Not really interested in MyWoosh tbh, given the whole sportswashing thing & the fact that it’s basically just Zwift but worse. I’m sure they’ll start charging for it anyway at some point.

    I’ve been using Indievelo.  It’s currently in Beta so it’s free to use.  I really like it.  The developer George Gilbert rolls out new features almost every two weeks and he’s already implemented a lot of nice features the Zwift community have being crying out for.

    I’ve yet to try IV (you need to pay for the AppleTV version so need to get a PC of some kind set up to try it out for free. Or, I guess I could just pay for it for a month!) but it does sound impressive particularly as if I understand correctly it’s literally all just done by one guy! He’ll definitely start charging at some point though, and some people think the game plan is just to build it up & sell it on (maybe to Zwift!!)

    Whats the attraction of riding in a virtual world though?

    Rouvy offers similar experiences but on ‘real’ roads, but for some reason doesnt appear to attract people.

    what does that suggest to you then? Hint: there’s nothing “real” about riding on Rouvy in your garage! ;)

    Free Member

    Whats the attraction of riding in a virtual world though?

    Rouvy offers similar experiences but on ‘real’ roads, but for some reason doesnt appear to attract people

    I think it’s twofold:

    Because in the absence of other stimuli the real world is actually really dull. I could go on a “real” simulation and ride up a “real” hill for 20 minutes, but it’ll have only a handful of changes in gradient, the view will only actually be notably nice intermittently and the corners are mostly just a few gentle bends.  Whereas Zwift will have me switchbacking my way up an alpine pass with dinosaurs and repeated punchy sections.

    Also there’s only so much you can do to suspend belief that you’re looking at a screen in a shed. It’s not the same as riding outside, so why pretend?

    Would also be interested to hear any thoughts on the funding/sportswashing issues…

    Mehhhh, are they also going to boycott watching the TDF?  Or do something meaningful like boycott oil and gas?

    Saying you’re going to boycott a free videogame seems like peak virtue-signaling.  Are the USA’s tax breaks sports washing their gun violence problem?

    Full Member

    Mehhhh, are they also going to boycott watching the TDF?  Or do something meaningful like boycott oil and gas?

    total whattaboutery [rolleyes emoji]

    will be irrelevant anyway once they inevitable start charging for it

    Free Member

    total whattaboutery [rolleyes emoji]

    I agree, but whatabout it?  It’s like me as a 37year old male with no kids boycotting Nestle.I’m not the target market for infant formula (but have just eaten a kit-kat so I’m a bad person).

    will be irrelevant anyway once they inevitable start charging for it

    Yup, although given the number of hours people spend on Zwift I’m surprised they haven’t figured out a non-subscription model yet.  All those advertising hoardings, pre race warm-up pens, bike upgrades, etc.  Just make it free, crowbar in adverts, charge for bike upgrades, have a Dr with a Clinic at the top of the Alpe-du-Zwift who’ll give you a 20% ZwiftPO boost in FTP for £20, or a shot of OZwiftempic that lowers your in game weight for 30 days.

    Free Member

    Following. Unlikely to use MyWhoosh due to me being a virtue signaller. Indievelo sounds interesting though. Zwift at £18 per month, given how crap it is, is a bit rich for my liking and limited usage.

    Free Member

    but it’ll have only a handful of changes in gradient, the view will only actually be notably nice intermittently and the corners are mostly just a few gentle bends.  Whereas Zwift will have me switchbacking my way up an alpine pass with dinosaurs and repeated punchy sections

    Why only a handful of changes in gradient ? The rides I have done have been mega accurate to the real thing.

    Or is it more of a suggestion that Zwift is more of a structured workout/intervals?

    Full Member

    I’m currently using the Tacx app. It’s either structured workouts (that I can pre-load/customise) or “just” riding along a real-world route that has been videoed. I really like the latter. I can “attack” if I want, cruise in Z2, do intervals, whatever. It feels the most realistic (as much as riding while watching a TV can) – the most like the type of riding I do outdoors. I grew tired of the cartoon/repeated scenery of Zwift and I’m not interested in the XP/drops/gamification element of it. I can certainly see why Rouvy appeals to some.

    Free Member

    Or is it more of a suggestion that Zwift is more of a structured workout/intervals?

    Or unstructured I guess.

    Zwift tends to have a lot more gradients / bends than the real world, which keeps it engaging.

    I guess it depends on the aim though.  If you’re following a workout then it doesn’t matter and maybe the “real” world actually works better because you wont get the avatar surging on each change Over the winter I tended to just ride routes though and it’s the constant clicking up and down the gears that keeps me awake/focused.  And most routes tended to feel like a varied workout with either long draggy climbs or short / hard intervals or mixtures of both.

    I can see why Rouvy, RGT etc exist, but by the same token Zwift, Mywoosh etc aren’t realistic for equally valid reasons.

    Full Member

    Realistic graphics with obviously not real riding is jarring IMO, ai didn’t like it. Zwift (and the likes) being cartoonish was less odd, there were things to look at and, most importantly people on the routes. Freeriding in any fake world on your own was boring as ****, being able to ride a route and chase down or try and hold someone made it more interesting. Just following numbers on a training plan none of it made any difference anyway, may as well watch a video.

    Free Member

    I use mywhoosh. Mainly because it is free and you can make your own workouts. Also use wahoo system. Kids use mywhoosh as well. It has one or two niggles but its free.

    Free Member

    It feels the most realistic (as much as riding while watching a TV can) – the most like the type of riding I do outdoors. I grew tired of the cartoon/repeated scenery of Zwift and I’m not interested in the XP/drops/gamification element of it

    Thats what I dont like too

     Freeriding in any fake world on your own was boring as ****,

    I quite like riding routes that I know I have done in the past in the real world in the middle of winter in the garage, it beats getting cold and wet. Also enjoy riding areas that I might be going on holiday to the following year

    being able to ride a route and chase down or try and hold someone made it more interesting.

    You can race real people on the likes of Rouvy. Granted not as many participants as Zwift but certainly no different in terms of capability to do it

    Full Member

    The thing I’ve still not got used to on Tacx is junctions. I keep wanting to slow down, change gear etc

    Free Member

    The thing I’ve still not got used to on Tacx is junctions. I keep wanting to slow down, change gear etc

    I once tried to ride rollers with a sufferfest video, it didn’t go well!

    Full Member

    I have updated the mywhoosh app so I’m ready to use it. There seems to be a few more routes as well.

    Free Member

    Updated it on my mobile earlier via Play Store, opened app to see it wants to download another ~4.6GB! lol

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