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  • Any Manchester United Supporters in?
  • trailmonkey
    Full Member

    just seen that scholes story.

    cover for the soon to be transfered rooney perhaps ?

    Free Member

    cover for the soon to be transfered rooney perhaps ?

    As far as I’ve read, Rooney’s not going anywhere, even the Independant reporter admitted that the story wasn’t based on any real facts.

    Free Member

    More like cover for a decimated midfield and defence I reckon. Getting “taken apart” by Newcastle surely must have been a worry. Phil Jones is just not up to the job.

    Free Member

    Ooh that’s desperate.

    Here’s hoping Manure pick up a few key injuries, and suffer a heavy defeat at the haynds of Liverpool at Old Trafford, with Suarez scoring a hat-trick, Evra sent off and Bacon Face actually exploding. :D

    Free Member

    aye rubbish midfield and a stop gap till he can get some proper midfielder no Fletcher cleverly or anderson it has taken its toll [ though I am not sure they are good enough anyway but they are better thna what we currently have

    What do you think losing a few yds of pace has done to his tackling skill? 8O

    Free Member

    More like cover for a decimated midfield and defence I reckon


    What do you think losing a few yds of pace has done to his tackling skill?

    I don’t think losing a bit of pace did Keano any harm. :wink:

    Free Member

    Shearer to sign short term contract as replacement for Demba Ba (sp?) while he plays at the ACN. :-)

    Free Member

    I don’t think losing a bit of pace did Keano any harm.

    Nah, he just deliberately ended the careers of fellow pros instead.

    Free Member

    I’m in! Enjoying it so far too… :-)

    Full Member

    sending off ?!

    off to put the telly on

    Free Member

    wow exciting opening 15…

    great header from Rooney, not a red for me, man u’ to lose now surely

    Free Member

    Chris Foy take a bow.

    Yet another quality bit of reffing.


    Free Member

    Not watching. What was Nani’s reaction to the tackle like?

    Free Member

    elf almost no one defends Keane but dont let that stop you …how long as he been retired?

    He should have done time for Alfe tackle IMHO
    Any views on Souness, Norman Hunter chopper Harris?
    will you ever be able to move on?
    Keane did some very bad fouls have nay liverpool players?

    DD muted/ nowt really tbh but a very harsh red by anyones standards- i mean not a red by anyones standards really..oh unless keano did it to a liverpool player and elf wqas ref :wink:

    Free Member

    Not watching. What was Nani’s reaction to the tackle like?

    Nothing. He played on.

    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – Member
    Not watching. What was Nani’s reaction to the tackle like?

    He didn’t have one.

    Listening to the pundits discuss this is hilarious. Townsend didn’t think it was even a booking, Robbie Savage said (and i quote):

    “By the letter of the law that is a red card, but looking at it its a yellow [in my book]”

    The thing is, every player and manager is told by referees during pre-season what is and isn’t acceptable. They were all told two footed challenges will likely get you sent off. This has been the case for years.

    Free Member

    Keane did some very bad fouls have nay liverpool players?

    None have deliberately tried to injure a fellow player so badly that their career was effectively ended, then even have the disgusting audacity to later brag about it.

    Oh, and the Suarez situation has now bin dealt with. Will you move on too?

    I suspect you’ll be at OT, ensuring that all other Manure fayns ‘move on’ too.

    Hypocrite. :roll:

    Free Member

    That’s unusual for Nani. But fair dues if he did.

    Full Member

    I’m a Liverpool fan but i took advantage of the Odds offered yesterday by Mr Paddy Power and i’ve got £100 at 13/5 for the Scummers to win. Looking good so far! Ahhh nice new shiny bike parts…..

    Free Member

    And even more now! Now *that* was good.

    Full Member

    Wellbeck- 2 nil :lol:

    Free Member

    That’s what happens when your best defender gets sent off.

    Edit: Not to detract from the very nice finish by Danny Welbeck.

    Free Member

    Blimus. Manure don’t even have their twelfth Mayn on the field!

    Free Member

    do you remember the chants of the referee a scouser elf?
    surely even you would give the pen?

    haha lucky there

    popo start ordering those parts

    Full Member

    Shrek- 3 Nil 8O

    Free Member

    The ref is playing a blinder today

    Free Member

    Had a horrid feeling before the pen’ he was going to save it.

    Oh well!

    Free Member

    Looks like revenge is currently being served.

    Free Member

    all going man u’s way init…

    Free Member

    Looks like revenge is currently being served.

    Not yet – we need another three (at least)

    Free Member

    Oh whell all over now probbly.

    Citeh spanked a Manure team with 11 players on the pitch though.

    Free Member

    Should be a happy trip home for the Man u fans if the motorways are clear!

    Free Member

    Citeh spanked a Manure team with 11 players on the pitch though.

    Aaaw bless, certainly vfm for money elfin.

    Free Member

    Nothing about ‘aww bless’; if youse did it against 11 men, then fair enough. Youse aren’t.

    Should be a happy trip home for the Man u fans if the motorways are clear!

    Well, I think there’s a section of the M1 closed for bridge repairs, and of course the A4 Hammersmith flyover is borked. :| An earlier accident on the M25 might make getting back to Surrey a bit slow, but it shooduv eased up by then.

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member

    Citeh spanked a Manure team with 11 players on the pitch though.

    You do not know what you are talking about, do you?

    It was 1-0 when Evans was sent off.

    Free Member

    Just seen Rooneys reaction to the Kompany tackle….disgusting, chavy granny borker!

    Free Member

    pmsl at ITV pundits saying the letter of law means it is a sending off, then saying but it was harsh. why exactly shouldn’t the laws be applied in this instance?

    Free Member

    It was 1-0 when Evans was sent off.

    You’re right. Apologies. I don’t pay that much attention to Manchester games, I must say. :oops:

    Funny that Don Simon din’t know it either though! :lol:

    Free Member

    As a neutral I was hoping for a good close game but I’m sorry but the refs totally ruined it. Bad challenge but never a red card and so that sets the tone for the game. Guess the ref wanted more publicity than the Scholes story lol.

    Free Member

    elf you live in london and support liverpool and then mock Man u fans for not being from liverpool as i say on all most every footy thread you are everything you mock /despise other fans for :roll:

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