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  • Any Manchester United Supporters in?
  • higgo
    Free Member

    No, I suspect DS meant exactly the same with his ‘Aww Bless’ but didn’t realise he had to spell it out in quite so simple terms for you.

    Free Member

    No, I suspect DS meant exactly the same with his ‘Aww Bless’ but didn’t realise he had to spell it out in quite so simple terms for you.

    Pft. DS knows about as much as Manure as I do about Accrington Stanley. Had he realised he had an opportunity to correct me, he wooduv. :D

    I think Manure will propperly go for it; they’ll want to avenge their humiliating defeat by Citeh. Six or more without conceding will be their target. Citeh’s defence is even more vulnerable now.

    Free Member

    Funny that Don Simon din’t know it either though!


    Full Member

    i didn’t even think that the red was a foul let alone a card.

    not sure the ref did either until the appeals started making his ears bleed.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    aye up, game on

    Free Member

    elf you live in london and support liverpool and then mock Man u fans for not being from liverpool

    I have family from Mersyside. Liverpool was the ‘family team’. We’ve done this. Several times. :roll:

    I’m not ‘mocking’ the Manure fayns; it’s a known fact a lot of their fayns come from the South East. I’ve seen hordes of them getting on trains here to go up and watch the games.

    It’s all part of their Global Appeal, innit? I’ve met Norwegians who live in Norway and have Anfield season tickets.

    You won’t find many Citeh fayns outside Greater Manchester though. Although I expect if they do well this season there will be a few Man City shirts appearing here in Civilisation.


    The goal was open. You still missed. :wink:

    Free Member

    I’m not ‘mocking’ the Manure fans

    of course you are not
    I dont have an issue with you supporting Liverpool it is your hypocrisy I have an issue with.

    Free Member

    JY; give it a rest. You really are rather boring. Email me if you must continue with this crap.

    Free Member

    trailmonkey – Member
    i didn’t even think that the red was a foul let alone a card.

    not sure the ref did either until the appeals started making his ears bleed.

    you are andy townsend and i claim by five euros

    Free Member

    looks like fergie wants to even things up by sending scholes on to get sent off

    Free Member

    JY; give it a rest. You really are rather boring. Email me if you must continue with this crap.

    Calm down elfin! I think we all know how much you hate Man Utd so there’s really no need to go on about it. I do enjoy a bit of banter with friends I have who are Liverpool born and bred Scousers, City fans I know are quite able to have rational conversations with (Strangely the City fans are not from Manchester) and a visit to Maine road was quite civil too. I donm’t uinderstand where you get this hatred from or why you feel you need to publish it. A bit of maturity wouldn’t go amiss.

    Free Member

    i doubt you would talk more sense :wink:
    Ok i will stop but could you pretty please at least try and not say manure, scummers, bacon face etc and be a little more objective re Liverpool?
    If not can we at least drop the Keane bit as we dont even disagree there
    logs off and a second city goal would make it more interesting

    OH lets see how good scholes is …what odds on a red 8O

    Free Member

    C’mon Scholes!! :D
    That’s brought the average age up a bit…

    Free Member

    Surely that was a penalty!

    Free Member


    Full Member

    you are andy townsend and i claim by five euros

    i wish – one of the best players i’ve ever seen, how he slipped through the england net i’ll never know

    Free Member

    I donm’t uinderstand where you get this hatred

    What is this ‘hatred’ of which you speak? TBH, all I’ve seen recently is a tide of vitriol towards LFC from the Scummers* on here. Especially JY.

    *Scum: it’s the nickname given to Man U by the fayns of many other footy clubs, including Leeds, Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea, Citeh, etc etc. Bin around for ages. Refers to stuff like Manure’s deal with BSyB/Murdoch, disrespect for the greatest cup competition in national club football, Bacon Face’s disgusting abuse of referees, etc.

    You can hardly say youse jolly well have not earned it.

    C’mon Citeh! :D

    Free Member

    I bet the Manure fans wheeto’s are pulsing now!

    Free Member

    game on!

    Free Member

    i wish – one of the best players i’ve ever seen, how he slipped through the england net i’ll never know

    Andy Townsend? 8O

    Had he bin good enough to play for England and had a call-up, I’m sure heduv jumped at the chance.

    Full Member

    trailmonkey – Member
    aye up, game on


    CaptJon – Member
    game on!

    you are trailmonkey and i’ll have that 5 euros off you

    Free Member

    And Citeh’s second came from a Scholes mistake. :lol:

    Praps Bacon Face is secretly being paid by Sheikh Mansour…?

    all we need now is for Bacon Face to send Lucky Luke on…

    They subbed the sub. :lol:

    Free Member

    I am Roy Keane and I’ll have tree €uros off someone! :?

    Free Member

    all I’ve seen recently is a tide of vitriol towards LFC from the Scummers* on here. Especially JY.

    BS elf try and quote me i would be here all day posting up your bile aginst Manure – can you recall my earlier point about hypocrisy and you being everything you despise in other fans.
    FFS only a liverpool fan [ and i doubt even all of them [ could argue Liverpool and suarez have dealt with the incident well.
    PS I often praise Liverpool great team , great tradition, impressive history of success I have been to anfield more times than old trafford [ easier to get tickets] and sung you will never walk alone at anfield , rousing hairs on the kneck time…its you who cant do this about other teams not me.
    I like football and I dont get so passionate about my team I loose all sight of reality and objectivity

    PS really dont try and quote me we will be here all day but it is BS elf to claim vitroil

    Free Member

    As I said; email me rather than continuing your stupid tiresome crap.

    Free Member

    Hardly deliberate! :roll:

    Free Member

    BS elf try and quote me

    Ok then:

    oh well done elf it is far worse to use the word denigrate [ i did not know the etimology tbh] than say negro 10 times to someones face whilst nipping them to calm the situation down…

    Then my response:

    Oh it’s ten times now is it? Funny, cos the official report claimed Evra had said it was only seven, but there you go eh. (Btw Suarez admitted to saying it only once)

    = Make up stuff to support your own agenda. Bang on about a Liverpool player being ‘racist’ (even when the official report, other players including Evra and various cultural commentators are saying he is not), conveniently ignore the cultural abuse by one of your ‘legends’ towards his manager, etc…

    And you have the cheek to talk about my ‘hypocrisy’? :?

    Enough already. If it were my team playing, I’d be too busy watching the game to bother arguing with someone on tinternet….

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Double yikes 8O

    Free Member


    Free Member

    That’ll do.

    Full Member

    cracker – citeh lose the tie but regain their momentum

    Full Member

    Well done the Scummers for hanging on! I’ll be spending my ill gotten gains in a local (Manchester) bike shop this week on a nice shiney Reverb!! :D Chapeau!!

    Free Member

    How much have you won, Popacatapetl?

    Not quite the ‘revenge’ United were looking for really. Great comeback from Citeh, with only 10 men. They really are formidable. Begs the question though; what could they have done with all 11 on’t pitch?

    Full Member

    £260 of your finest english crisp notes plus my 100 stake back!

    Free Member

    Result! :D

    Free Member

    ]He is on camera and in the last thread you praised his honesty but I apologise…. I did not realise it would be fine to racially slur 7 times but not 10 but thanks for the heads up

    my reply FWIW and you think that is vitriol 8O An error but hardly way off and accepted compare this to your postings /reactions
    can you find a quote where i said he was racist? I dont think i did but I am sure you will have something handy to prove the point.

    I dont know why you cannot see you do all the things you think others do.
    aye city will not be too down with that result and Manu hanging on against 10 men proper game of two halves [ not quite Istanbul] aint footy wonderful and a cracking game – ref not withstanding , poor red card

    Full Member

    I Just need Chelsea,Sunderland and West ham to win an enhanced treble at 11/2 and i will have a very good day indeed!

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member
    I have family from Mersyside.

    where abouts?

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