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  • Any Manchester United Supporters in?
  • defydude
    Free Member

    I thought it was a mistake playing the massive cock

    …I read no further than that, so can only assume you mean Carroll? You’re right though, he is quite tall….possibly not massive.

    Full Member

    can we please spare a thought for Fred at this difficult time – he must be near to bursting wiv skaaahse pride and unable to join us all


    Free Member

    Oooh, get you. So funny. You did read though. :lol:

    Free Member

    runs of the check e-mail

    I thought it was a mistake playing the massive cock

    not for liverpool it wasnt :wink:

    Full Member

    He is a bit giddy if his texts are anything to go by. I’ve been forced to remind him where they are in the premiership to calm him down

    Free Member


    I only read this far.

    To be honest, it confused me. Is that a happy noise or a sexy noise?

    Free Member

    Yep, there will be an email soon. :-)

    *checks twitter*

    Yes, Effin seems pleased.

    Free Member



    Free Member



    Free Member



    Free Member
    Free Member

    defydude – Member


    Free Member

    Have I missed anything?

    Free Member

    No dondon. Not much. :-)

    Free Member

    Choice from twitter so far:

    I’ve seen Dracula respond better to crosses than De Gea :lol:

    Plenty more…

    Free Member

    I’ve seen Dracula respond better to crosses than De Gea

    His GF is quite hot, hot, hot!

    Full Member

    “interesting” radio commentary – anyone watching on telly this afternoon ?

    Free Member

    I am in today How is everyone doing :D

    Full Member

    Good to see Suarez showing what a class human being he is today. Fitting in well with Stevie Me and Dogleash.

    What a sad bunch the Dippers have turned into.

    Free Member

    yes and for balance thankfully Evra behaved with the decorum and aplomb for which he has become known :roll:

    No need for the abuse is there..I dont actually know what I was expecting though silly me.

    DD come and call Evra names PLEASE

    Free Member

    Evra’s assault on Ferdinand should have been a red.

    Free Member

    At least Evra offered his hand….. Had Liverpool won at home I bet Suarez would have been chuffed too. Why shouldn’t a United player celebrate with his own supporters? Because Liverpool might not like it?? Pfft.

    Free Member

    Nice to see that Fergie can still get under the skin.

    Free Member have a wee click on that link then tell me who refused to shake hands.

    Free Member

    I don’t remember Fergie ever saying anything about Cantona when he drop-kicked the Crystal Palace fan and bringing the club’s reputation into question. He should keep his mouth shut and remember people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. As a Liverpool supporter I don’t condone what Suarez did today or before and it’s not good for Liverpool at all. He should have shaken hands and just got on with it. I wasn’t impressed with Ferdinand not shaking his hand either but he will get backed by “supporting” Evra – er wasn’t that what the Liverpool players and club did with Suarez?
    I believe they should have dropped the handshakes today, just as they did with QPR v Chelsea. The whole incident marred the game and Liverpool looked all at sea and just not there.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    SBZ, could you clarify your point, please? (For the fifth time. And they call Arsenal boring!).

    Free Member

    Point is there for all to see.

    Free Member

    What, that one frame that you’ve studied forensically and concluded that the United player is in the wrong? It was far more obvious what was going on in the live footage.

    Free Member

    Scratch that, I can’t be bothered.

    Full Member

    Surrounded By Zulus – Member have a wee click on that link then tell me who refused to shake hands.



    Free Member

    oldgrump – have you seen the video from above? It’s blatantly obvious from that what was going on.

    Free Member

    Just ignore the immature idiot if he doesn’t shake your hand – let others judge him.

    Evra should have just clapped at the home crowd instead running around but to be fair he was probably happy they won.

    Football is turning poo but at least Fergie’s interview was fair.

    Free Member

    Fergies interview wasn’t fair! He said all the right things before the game but total memory loss about Kung Foo Cantona and the crap he put on the club. Did he say how disgraceful that was? As a manager he should have kept quiet and talked about the football and what happened on the pitch – he should have been more diplomatic.

    Free Member

    Kung Foo Cantona and the crap he put on the club.

    I don’t remember him publicly supporting Cantona either.

    Free Member

    12:40pm – Alex Ferguson – “I’ve not spoken to Patrice Evra about racism” 3:00pm – Alex Ferguson – “I spoke to Evra this morning about ….” Make your mind up fella.

    Free Member

    “we’ve kept our counsel and I think that’s the right thing to do in these situations. We’ve not thought about it, we’re not bothered about it and we’re focused on the game…”

    “…Suarez is a disgrace to Liverpool Football Club, He should not be allowed to play for Liverpool again…”

    “… Where’s ma’ fe@*in’ whiskey gone? Ma’ memories gan ta sh1te. What fitba? where am I?”

    Full Member

    82:22 Luis Suarez takes a shot. Blocked by Andy Carroll.

    82:22 Steven Gerrard takes a shot. Blocked by Andy Carroll.

    :mrgreen: Feeling sorry for the big lummox now.

    Shaking hands before the game should be binned. Sounds sad to say on the face of it, when the players can’t even manage this basic gesture, but it is just an artefact of modern tv coverage. If players are going to turn it into a circus of ‘look at me, how I refuse to shake your hand’ then the game’s better off without it.

    Free Member

    Make your mind up fella.

    was the full quote fergie was saying he spoke to him this morning about the handshake?
    It is possible he both spoke to him this morning and yet did not speak to him about racism…but you know that it and it the very reason you gave partial quotes.

    Free Member

    Isn’t defending Suarez today merely confirming the existence of confirmation bias?

    Funny to watch for a neutral?

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