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  • Officemate who won't shut up
  • theprawn
    Free Member

    You seem obsessed. Is she hot?

    Free Member

    ^^^^^^ That

    Free Member

    Where I work, anyone found under the influence at work will pretty much get the sack. They literally bring the drink/drugs testing unit in if there’s ANY accident these days, and I have no doubt that they’d do it as a preventative measure too….

    Free Member

    Prawn – maybe. Kind of.

    She is now calling me by my full name including my middle name – which I have never given her…

    The sack? For being drunk at work? Whoah

    Free Member

    Seriously, you sound like a right saddo.

    Free Member

    You’ve got to be a troll.

    But your imagination keeps the forum entertained which is a good thing.
    Well done you.

    Free Member

    maybe. Kind of.

    She is now calling me by my full name including my middle name – which I have never given her..

    Free Member

    [deleted as cba!]

    Free Member

    I hope you’re recording all of this as General Admin on your time sheet.

    Full Member

    If she’s getting blarted at lunchtime, why not have lunch with her tomorrow? She’s clearly having more fun on the wind down to Christmas than you. She might show you a side of her you’ve never seen…..

    Full Member

    General Admin

    ‘Core Business’, surely ;-)

    Free Member

    She might show you a side of her you’ve never seen.

    he’s talking about her vag.

    Free Member

    I’ll describe the typical ‘mental’ at work..

    – She thinks shes good looking.
    – She talks about weight and dieting yet eats badly or drinks alot of alcohol.
    – She thinks she gets alot of attention from men.
    – She always mixes alcohol with first dates.
    – She thinks gay men are great (almost as **** pets). How demeaning.
    – She thinks her personal life is interesting to others.
    – She was obviously never told by her parents that listeners are far better than talkers in a social situation.
    – He dress/or skirt is almost too small.
    – Why do we have to see your bare feet in summer?
    – Shes got gym membership but it doesn’t seem to be doing **** all for her figure does it.
    – It takes everyone <1hr to get ready for a big function. Apparently it takes her upto half a day.
    – She never has any money. Yet seems to spend a fair bit.
    – See above she moans about money.

    Free Member

    theprawn – Member

    She might show you a side of her you’ve never seen.

    he’s talking about her vag.

    Sporty olympic edition vag, I’d hope?

    Full Member

    Or her cock 8O

    Does she keep livestock?

    Free Member

    this is either a troll, or JHW is a self important dickhead.

    Full Member

    She is now calling me by my full name including my middle name


    Free Member
    Free Member

    this is either a troll

    Every company has a woman like this within proximity though. Sometimes its a man. A sort of Captain Flasheart ‘look at me I’m irresistible to women whilst driving a Mondeo’ cock.

    Full Member

    The abuse included screamming that my son (pointing at him) was a bastard offspring, my wife is this and that, I was white trash.

    Papa that’s shocking. Some people eh!

    Free Member

    Can I vote for this as thread of the year please?

    Free Member

    really? has it been that sh*t on here?

    Free Member

    [deleted as pure vitriol!]

    Hora is showing quite a profound understanding of the human condition here.

    Lots of Mondeos in our parking lot…and Specialized Sirrus hybrid bikes (it takes a special type of dullard to spunk £700 on a hybrid)

    Free Member

    “Do you know what my brother’s doing at the moment?”

    Shagging a woman he met on a climbing weekend?

    Free Member

    I’m going to go and have a cry in my office’s Contemplation Room.

    Free Member

    I heard that he’s shagged her in his Mondeo…

    Full Member

    (it takes a special type of dullard to spunk £700 on a hybrid)

    Nice! ;-)

    Are you *ahem* taking her with you to the office’s Contemplation Room?

    Free Member

    she’s mentally quite unstable and generally a very angry person (in an otherwise very low-key office) but I’m currently on her “good” side although I think she’s picking up on frostiness lately
    – is constantly on the phone shouting in a way that makes it impossible for me to do my job, even when I’m on sensitive calls myself (drowning me out). One time I did wave at her to turn her f**king volume down (she is support staff; I was on a client call) and afterwards she got well pi$$y about it…
    – we’ve recently installed new IT systems and this has been a particular catalyst for the telephone temper tantrums. Also it means there’s been a constant flow of IT staff in our office which is very disruptive and unnecessary (everyone is having problems but she’s the only one being a diva about it…)
    – whenever I’m crazily busy she asks me to look at photos of her nephew or comes out with assinine mundanities like “JHW, I’m HUNGRY…”…”JHW, shall I have the salmon for lunch or penne arrabiata?” etc. When I’m 5 minutes off a deadline that’s been building for months…

    Bloody hell, my ex wife has finally got a job then, …………………………

    Free Member

    If you spent £700 on your hybrid, I apologise…

    At least you’re not combining it with a neck brace

    Full Member

    jhw – You really ought to stop posting about your job, office, and anything you do in a ‘professional’ capacity. Aside from coming across as a complete bell-end, there’s probably something in your contract about bringing the company name into disrepute.

    I’d also consider not posting an email address with your surname in it on another public forum, your forename on that same forum, and a Linkedin profile confirming both and your employer…

    Free Member

    Dunno what you’re talking about, but ta for the IT tip for future reference :)

    Free Member

    hi,i have just realised i am “core”as i never get time to even look at these forums during working hours-can i have your job?As an employer i know you must tread lightly as tears are a powerfull weapon.I think the headphones sounds best but i bet you hook up at the Christmas party.This whole post has been histerical particularely as it is not me trying to sort it out for a change!Merry Christmas!!!

    Free Member

    Whilst normally you seem to be a bit up yourself, in this instance I do actually understand your pain. Had a similar situation at a previous job. I was in the support team dealing usually with unhappy customers and this woman used to be VERY loud and hooty. Her line manager was a spineless little runt and didn’t want to rock the boat. I tried. Being nice and asked her if she could keep it down, tried being rude when niceness failed. I left in the end!

    Free Member

    Unfortunately I agree that putting up with it is the answer. Just part of life’s rich tapestry…

    There must be something in Peep Show about exactly this issue.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Might I suggest some time management techniques if she’s threatening your failure to meet a deadline that’s 5 minutes away that’s been building up for months?

    Free Member

    Why is he bringing his company into disrepute?

    He’s not named his employer
    He hasn’t bitched about his employer
    He’s not complained about his hours, his contract, the ethos and ethics of his company

    He’s complaining about a fellow employees disruptive nature and (to me) lack of professional attitude.

    If he wrote Mcdonalds make me work long hours and they rip me off on overtime

    That’s different…if its unsubstantiated..

    In addition please guys stop the almost personal attacks on fellow posters letting off steam. Peace.

    Full Member

    You have a parking lot full of mondeos, yet your office is in the City? Broadgate Circus?

    In my experience, underground car parks in City buildings are mainy astons, mercs, range rovers etc. And that’s insurance buildings, I guess law is even more prone to upper end car ownership.

    Free Member

    Well, it’s all about stealth wealth these days.

    Nothing worse than capitalist running dogs who can afford to run a fleet of chrome plated flange magnets, yet choose to take the piss in family saloons instead :wink:

    Full Member

    I’m certainly with hora here ^. I can really understand what a pain working with someone like this can be.
    Jhw, I suggest you buy her one of these and leave it on her desk as a Secret Santa pressy:

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