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  • Any Manchester United Supporters in?
  • Elfinsafety
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    Happy Birthday Bacon Face! :lol:

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    And I was disappointed when we drew the other day at Anfield with them! Heheheh :D

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    Ooh; Villas-Boas to be looking for a new job? 8O

    Full Member

    weird results all round today

    didn’t the scousers win earlier as well ? 8O

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    I’ll give AVB 2 games and he’s walking. Torres – the gift that keeps on giving. Or not? It’s perked me up no end, that :)

    Full Member

    You’ve missed the result of the day.

    Millwall 0 – Crystal Palace 1



    Free Member

    binbins in sounding a bit desperate for positives shocka. :-)

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    Chelsea have taken just 3 points in their last four games, off the back of beating Citeh too. Things is though; with Drogba off for African cup Of Nations and Anelka leaving, that now leaves them with few attacking options. They’re looking well shaky, Chelsea. I don’t think AVB has really got the confidence of the dressing room there; a squad of that quality shoon’t be getting beat at home by Villa.

    I reckon AVB will have just a few games left to save his job, if that. Abrahmamamamamamovovovovovovovitch won’t tolerate such poor results for too much longer.

    Arse are grinding out results now, very surprised to see them where they are, but then Whinger is actually a proper decent manager after all. Mind you, it’s traditionally around now they start to slide downwards, again the ACoN will have an effect on them, several players are disillusioned and will want to leave, and if they don’t get anyone decent in during January, then I think it will be very difficult for them. I reckon we’ll see some good performances over the next couple of weeks from the likes of Arseshaving and Chamahk, cos they’ll be keen to be able to negotiate good deals for themselves if they do move, but if they end up staying, then I doubt they’ll keep that up.

    S’all about Spuds, in’t it? A slip today, but they’re looking good and solid, if they win their game in haynd they’re only 3 points off Man U!

    Really think it’ll be a scrabble for a top 4 place between Liverpool, Arse, Chelsea and probbly Spurs though.

    Citeh V United will be interesting….

    Free Member

    You’ve missed the result of the day.

    Millwall 0 – Crystal Palace 1

    That is a result. :D

    Free Member

    Is it just me or is El Niño carrying a bit of weight?

    More like El Gordo now.

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    And City capitolise on Uniteds slip up at Sunderland. . . . . .oh hang on 8O

    Full Member

    :D :-) :D :-)

    Full Member

    Always great when the officials get the important decisions wrong…makes it more interesting tho!

    Free Member

    Ridiculous decision! Bring in reviews like rugby ffs.

    Free Member

    Come on the toon!

    Free Member

    He he he he :mrgreen:

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    Nice one Phil :D

    Meanwhile, anyone checked Tim Howard’s goal from tonight?

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    Must be satsyfying to have to like us failing rather thna wanting your own teams to win

    we have bene lucky with league position this season, have played poorly and are carrying too many injuries….this was rather likely to happen tbh…two bad results for sure and not a great season by our usual standards

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    Free Member

    Must be satsyfying to have to like us failing rather thna wanting your own teams to win

    Best form of defence is attack, eh Junkyard :wink:

    Full Member

    that Tim Howard goal was a MASSIVE bounce – poor keeper :(

    Free Member

    Best form of defence is attack certainly not Phil Jones, eh Junkyard

    Free Member

    have played poorly and are carrying too many injuries…

    Unfortunately I don’t think we can fall on the injury card for tonight’s team, so it must be playing poorly. :(

    Free Member

    that Tim Howard goal was a MASSIVE bounce – poor keeper

    I think Tim Howard’s reaction shows he feels bad for a fellow keeper.

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    Free Member

    oh yes we have not been great and played badly all season 6-1 defeat bAssle and then the league and yet still second and not really likely to miss out on CL next year so still could be much worse…we cant win everything…could be the start of the end but we will need to wait for net season to be sure

    Jamie it was not meant as an attack tbh but i an see why you say that- jealousy of our success is flattering :D

    Boom Tish at DD

    Free Member

    Jamie it was not meant as an attack tbh but i an see why you say that- jealousy of our success is flattering

    The ol’ switcheroo :wink:

    Full Member

    When you’re taking off Rooney for Anderson something is obviously not right…

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    Free Member

    Rome is well and truly burning now.


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    still no Jamie ….but I am clearly not as good as you at this game so I will stop at 2-0 or just before a humiliating own goal……

    Free Member

    I was there on Sunday and we lost.

    I didn’t even see the Toon’ match, so I know I didn’t jinx them lol

    Win some, lose some!

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