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  • alaskan malamute dogs
  • gixer.john
    Free Member

    Anyone on here own one these, just seen them on the news. Wouldn’t mind one if i had the time and space. Cool looking animals.

    Free Member

    My mate breeds them. They are indeed lovely looking dog but oh man are they hard work.

    They are bloody wild, he has control over them but it’s a very fine line. They’re always looking for a sign of weakness and ready to have a go at becoming the top dog (pardon the pun). He had 2 of them out once and they started fighting – powerful as hell, he ended up rolling around, punching, kicking and all sorts to bring them under control.

    Not for the faint herted, it’s a full time effort keeping them.

    Having said that he loves them, uses them for sleigh pulling (has one on wheels) and racing. They have heaps of energy.

    Not a good choice for a pet though.

    Free Member

    I had one years ago and he was a great pet… as said above tho full of enery and there was competition at first over who would be top dog.
    we eventually settled on a power sharing scheme.^

    gawd I miss that old boy.

    Free Member

    I should re-phrase my last comment – if you have the time (a lot) then okay, but if not then don’t do it.

    My mate finished 2nd in his last race, he says it’s brilliant fun! Although a bit smelly being down wind of their farts…. haha!

    Free Member

    Was reading up on them and it seems they suss out the owner and say right why should i do that now, just because i used to do it. Seem pretty intelligent. One breeder is going for a trophy where the dog pulls 1200pound in weight – fcck me that is one powerfull beast, how could most people control that if it decided to run away from you!!

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