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  • AI Art – This is Fun!
  • sirromj
    Full Member

    seems to be quite broken at times…. it loses the ability to do art styles and just makes a random collage of web photos/images

    The Surrealist dream!

    Free Member

    Not random….


    Use of the word collage is wrong when applied to this technology. This why the likes of Getty are taking SD to court, no idea. By the time ot gets there the tech will have moved on lightyears.

    Awesome tool for Artists and that title apllies to me. No fear here.

    More people creating is good thing, monitizing everything you ( free time) sucks.

    Free Member

    Roman Gladiators playing cricket against Nazis at lords in the style of david shepherd

    and this is what it produces for the same prompt when broken

    Free Member

    Free Member


    Full Member

    seems to be quite broken at times…. it loses the ability to do art styles and just makes a random collage of web photos/images

    Have you tried the Negative Prompt? It produces totally random images. Not sure I understand that bit 😛

    Full Member

    but music will be 100% computer-generated in the future. Punters will not care at all and will buy it. Musicians will be out of a job.

    I bet the log bangers* said something similar when violins appeared… the violinists said that when guitars came along… the guitarists when synths… etc etc

    *they may have had a better name

    Full Member

    “Log banger neanderthal making music”. Looks worried eh!

    Full Member

    Well we’re still ahead of the game with the creation of physical objects such as paintings and sculptures I believe…. for now.

    interestingly I was reading some dude’s blog the other day where he’d been playing about with getting ChatGPT to programmatically generate CAD data which he could then 3D print… so essentially an AI generated sculpture. Actually, googling it, loads of people have been doing this, so I gave it a shot. I asked it to come up with something original along with a theme. Most of the code it generates doesn’t work, which is not uncommon with ChatGPT 😃, usually you can fix it if you know what you’re doing but I’ve never used OpenSCAD before so no chance! Here’s one that did work though, its interpretation of “sea monster”:

    Full Member

    Here’s it’s attempt at The South downs pictured in a watercolour painting.

    Compared with a photo of the south downs I took a while ago. Pretty damn good.

    Full Member

    Is that a mk. 1 Vauxhall Aguila? Lovely. I’m going to unleash that on the robot artist later.

    Full Member

    I knew I should’ve cropped the car out! 😆

    Full Member

    Insufficient training data. Does not know what a Vauxhall Aguila looks like. Sadface emoji. 

    Full Member

    Strange you’d think it’s internet searching would pick something up. That’s a beautiful picture anyway 😀

    Full Member

    I do find it can be addictive. The super-abundance of imagery available at the click of a button. I’m using the one without the negative prompt as there’s no waiting for it in a queue before processing begins. These were generated using the phrase “cyborg machines splashing at crowded beach”. Was looking at them thinking they could be part of a comic book or something. They could be preparatory sketches for actual physical paintings with material paint on paper or canvas – if I still made paintings – but they look like the kind of stuff I was trying to produce. I always found being selective about my work difficult, same with this. Used to invent rules about how I would produce my paintings in an effort to reduce how much selectivity was needed. To avoid saying “I’m going to make a painting about xyz” and then having to stick to that. Never made it as a professional artist or anything close.














    Full Member

    always found being selective about my work difficult, same with this

    That much is obvious!
    Funnily enough, I plan on turning some of the images I’ve got from it into paintings. None I’ve posted here, obviously 😊 Will be interesting to see how “satisfying” the results will be. I’m not sure, but my mate persuaded me to have a go.

    Free Member

    “Dilbert joins the Ku Klux Klan”

    Did’nt get much back on this one.

    Free Member


    Saved a few for furture projects as well. Such a great tool, love it.

    I’m sure my online worked has been scraped… but so what.

    And, some thing cant been posted… I’m PornHub are looking into the tech as well….IGMC.

    Disney meet GoT.

    Full Member

    Have you tried the ControlNet photo manipulation? Its good but can be really slow. I didn’t know what the manipulation types meant, so asked ChatGBT! The answer was brilliant 😁

    Free Member

    Stable Diffusion XL

    More fun with better models.

    Free Member

    Alien Lounge

    Free Member

    Using this:

    There is is limit, but does not seem to be IP related ? Cookies possibly not sure.

    Will setup SDXL locally.

    Free Member


    SDXL Log Banger

    Free Member

    Cats are getting better… This RT cat.

    RT cat

    Full Member

    Cat named Seadog101

    Full Member

    Free Member


    Art Cat…. Great.

    I wonder who the copyright belongs to ?

    Full Member

    I wonder who the copyright belongs to ?

    I was wondering that too. Those were done by Microsoft Bing Chat. I doubt that MS have any practical way to police copyright, but I’m sure there will be courtcases coming before long.

    Free Member

    cat rainbow crown

    Copyright ?

    If I imagined, say a castle from my imagination or seen knowledge of a a castle. Put it to paper, the copyright is mine.

    If a computer creates an image from it’s thought cloud (not a collage) for it belong to the computer who created or the software creators ?

    Free Member

    King Cat
    King Cat RedThunder

    Full Member

    Sorry to lower the tone.

    As Nige’ probably sees himself, or at least as I do.

    The Farage

    Full Member

    I give you ‘Monkey on a mountain bike, impressionist style’

    Free Member

    ^Farage. …. Cool, but scary.

    Now we monkey Farage on a mountain bike:-)

    Free Member

    Ran out of goes on 🙁

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